Thunder Bolt
Silly old bat
I'm probably going to fly in the face of popular opinion here, and I didn't see the show at all last night (except the last 5 mins), but what has this maudlin nonsense got to do with sport? I don't mean any offense to the Lowery family here, but they have already been afforded incredible publicity by the wider footballing world to immense positive effect. What about all the other hundreds of heartbreaking stories out there? I seriously don't think this has a place in SPOTY. Are we going to do this every year? It's the television equivalent of all those minute's applause that we've had at the Amex for people who have passed away.
I don't like it because it's little more than showing human kindness by proxy. If you want to show you care, get involved with a worthy charity, don't sit through this talking about sadness and unfairness whilst getting ready to shout at anyone who finds it inappropriate.
It was surprisingly upbeat, and a tribute to the caring side of football. The charity is doing amazing work, so I felt it was appropriate. There wasn't anything maudlin about it, imo.