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Sorry to get political on an Albion site but.....


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2006
But our problem-youngsters is completely over-exagerated.

I, myself, am one of those youngsters. Yes I get drunk, in fact I did last night. But that doesn't mean I am anti-social. I was in a house close to my home and did not go out on the streets.

These things are bought into the lime-light whereas they weren't in previous generations. I talk to adults who did everything we do but there wasn't mass-media and it wasn't on the front-page on newspapers because the older generations want to gratify themslves by exagerating the teenage generations plight.

Perhaps it is an insecurity. Every generation snipes at the next generation, perhaps to try to feel superior. What are these problems of today?

I am no socialist and believe in individual responsibility but who bought up these children? And therein lies the problem.

I do not believe it is, the classic cliche, ' I blame the parents' but they do have a role to play. Discipline in schools. School appears to be a focal point of the older generation, 'exams are getting easier', ' schools are too soft'. Both of which, are rubbish.

I do not believe exams are getting easier whatsoever. Teaching is getting better. I take triples science and we are having to study work which our teacher did at degree level, he is very sceptical as to why we have to learn it. In History we do A-level questions!

Schools getting softer. I am unsure about this personally. In some cases, yes, they are too soft. But they are only too soft because it is the parents which complain if they are strict! School has turned into a nanny-state. Kids are scared to say the word 'black' and if you don't 'love and respect' someone you can get done for bullying no questions asked, you barely get a chance to defend yourself. The work load is increasing which is perhaps why it appears they are soft on people who do not do the work.

Bloody hell I've typed a lot this time in the morning.

What a great post and something that maybe some of us old gits might like to take a while to think about.

I have 2 young Sons 8yrs and 15yrs.

I see their mates and they are fantastic kids and their overall behaviour is so much better than myself and my mates when I was their age.

I grew up in the 70's and it was a particularly aggressive time if you recall.

Punk was in vogue as was football violence and fuelled by booze and certainly the Punk era was drugs.

Was it just me and my mates who smoked 'players No.10's' in the northstand at the Goldstone before running around Hove Park to see the fighting between rival gangs, I was only 12 looking on.

Was it just me and my mates that had a few swigs of 'Woodpecker Cider' ( I was only 13yrs ) before we went to the local youth club disco, which was always interupted by some fistycuffs !!!

Although not me but glue sniffing was quite the thing back then !!!

I know there are some real feral kids out there and so many disfunctional families, but you know what, I gotta feeling that there always has been.

The kids I come across are polite, courteous and a credit to their parents.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
That's some of it, but the rest of it lies with the truely crap parenting that goes on. Round here the kids swear scream, hit, and all other sorts of crap, in full view of the parents, and they do nothing about it. An 11 year old round here has been taken away by the police numerous times for a number of offences, and the parents don't give a flyer.

:clap::clap::clap: Absolutely spot on Gaffer Junior, and may I take this opportunity to say what a good job your parents must have done while I'm at it, wish a few more people would recognize what you say.

BTW, as one person working in the Health Sector to another, what do you think of CRS ?

Jul 5, 2003
:clap::clap::clap: Absolutely spot on Gaffer Junior, and may I take this opportunity to say what a good job your parents must have done while I'm at it, wish a few more people would recognize what you say.

BTW, as one person working in the Health Sector to another, what do you think of CRS ?

Thankyou, my parents are amazing, i'll readily admit to that!!

The CRS will be brilliant, it's about time they did it. It'll especially make it easier for A&E nursing, as you would instantly be able to find out PMH's & Allergies!! It'll be more empowering for patients too, as they will have access to their own records.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
But our problem-youngsters is completely over-exagerated.

I do not believe it is, the classic cliche, ' I blame the parents' but they do have a role to play. Discipline in schools. School appears to be a focal point of the older generation, 'exams are getting easier', ' schools are too soft'. Both of which, are rubbish.

I do not believe exams are getting easier whatsoever. Teaching is getting better. I take triples science and we are having to study work which our teacher did at degree level, he is very sceptical as to why we have to learn it. In History we do A-level questions!

Schools getting softer. I am unsure about this personally. In some cases, yes, they are too soft. But they are only too soft because it is the parents which complain if they are strict! School has turned into a nanny-state. Kids are scared to say the word 'black' and if you don't 'love and respect' someone you can get done for bullying no questions asked, you barely get a chance to defend yourself. The work load is increasing which is perhaps why it appears they are soft on people who do not do the work.

Bloody hell I've typed a lot this time in the morning.

The very reason why school have gone ;soft' is that they have lost the right (yes, the right) in instill discipline and inflict (yes I said inflict) suitable punishment. Thanks in no small part to the bleeding heart liberals and parents too stupid to recognise that their little bastards are little bastards.

I am no great lover of teachers but in all fairness they do a very hard job, the stats on assaults on them let alone the personal abuse are inescapable, it's not a job for the faint hearted. I don't blame the school personnel and why should anybody else ?

But our problem-youngsters is completely over-exagerated.

I, myself, am one of those youngsters. Yes I get drunk, in fact I did last night. But that doesn't mean I am anti-social. I was in a house close to my home and did not go out on the streets.

These things are bought into the lime-light whereas they weren't in previous generations. I talk to adults who did everything we do but there wasn't mass-media and it wasn't on the front-page on newspapers because the older generations want to gratify themslves by exagerating the teenage generations plight.

Perhaps it is an insecurity. Every generation snipes at the next generation, perhaps to try to feel superior. What are these problems of today?

I am no socialist and believe in individual responsibility but who bought up these children? And therein lies the problem.

I do not believe it is, the classic cliche, ' I blame the parents' but they do have a role to play. Discipline in schools. School appears to be a focal point of the older generation, 'exams are getting easier', ' schools are too soft'. Both of which, are rubbish.

I do not believe exams are getting easier whatsoever. Teaching is getting better. I take triples science and we are having to study work which our teacher did at degree level, he is very sceptical as to why we have to learn it. In History we do A-level questions!

Schools getting softer. I am unsure about this personally. In some cases, yes, they are too soft. But they are only too soft because it is the parents which complain if they are strict! School has turned into a nanny-state. Kids are scared to say the word 'black' and if you don't 'love and respect' someone you can get done for bullying no questions asked, you barely get a chance to defend yourself. The work load is increasing which is perhaps why it appears they are soft on people who do not do the work.

Bloody hell I've typed a lot this time in the morning.

Good typing practice for you! :laugh:

All too often, the older generation are to blame because so many of them have NOT got a reasonable perspective on life. So, how can they influence kids properly?
e.g. there was a radio prog (I think it was on SCR too!) about kids stealing, and one errant young man was on it. He had admitted to his thieving ways, said he had decided to turn away and that he now knows and accepts he was wrong.
So, what does EVERY caller do when they phone in? They pile on the condemnation of this lad, do absolutely NOTHING to encourage or congratulate him on his facing himself with his realisations, and with often-full-blown typical 'Christian' high-horse judgementalism (judge ye NOT?? Isn't that 'written') they berate and belittle him still for his past failings. Sadly, I didn't have my mobile on me, and was in the car, but it angered me completely.
Okay, he's not due any medals - but he has obviously come on the show in repentance. What's going to make him want to turn from his old ways - lableing him still as a bad person?

Like any creature on this earth - you show them rewards for fulfilling small tasks and they will fulfill them. When they achieve small goals, they are boosted, have gained knowledge and esteem, and can go on to better things.

Do teachers, on the whole, manage this concept in classes? Unfortunately most of them have relinquished all interest in bettering kids. Some of the teachers themselves have more foibles and problems than the kids! (remember YOUR school, reader? Were some teachers well-dodgy, or were they all exemplary examples for you to follow?)


New member
Jan 18, 2008
On your point about Britishness.

Yes, they are adopted traditions but pretty much everything about Christmas can be traced back to the pagans. You could argue that no tradition is original to th particular country. Scotland didn't invent kilts or shortbread or bag-pipes but those are symbols of Scotland. We don't have anything like that anymore which is a shame.

Yes, minorities make up the majorities but that was on a seperate point to be honest. We pussy-foot around immigrants and homosexuals because we don't want to be seen as discriminatory. We use positive discrimination - it is ridiculous. I completely despise positive discrimination. It is also feminism as well. I know of feminists who don't want to go into a line of work but do jsut ebcause tehre aren't many women - ridiculous. That could be costing a young man who actually wants that job a chance to provide for his family.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2006
The very reason why school have gone ;soft' is that they have lost the right (yes, the right) in instill discipline and inflict (yes I said inflict) suitable punishment. Thanks in no small part to the bleeding heart liberals and parents too stupid to recognise that their little bastards are little bastards.

I am no great lover of teachers but in all fairness they do a very hard job, the stats on assaults on them let alone the personal abuse are inescapable, it's not a job for the faint hearted. I don't blame the school personnel and why should anybody else ?

But we have always had problems in Schools some more sinister than others.

My School was mayhem at times and that as I have said was 1970's.

My Son's Schools are modern bright and fantastically run and the overall behaviour seems very good.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Thankyou, my parents are amazing, i'll readily admit to that!!

The CRS will be brilliant, it's about time they did it. It'll especially make it easier for A&E nursing, as you would instantly be able to find out PMH's & Allergies!! It'll be more empowering for patients too, as they will have access to their own records.

Well my current employers are one of the pilot trusts, I was surprised to learn that my team are the only one in the entire land that are actually certified to provide support to other trusts (I gather that's a good thing). I am due to start my CRS training shortly but from where I sit it seems to be riddled with problems despite a seemingly abundance of funding (sadly no doubt at the cost of actual health care). What I did find even more staggering is the amount of computerisation that there is within the health service, last week a quite few few appointments had to be canceled because we had a problem that meant X-rays couldn't be displayed online. Mind you, it's also a bit mind boggling too. I do like that fact that the vast majority of doctors prefer you to call them by their first names and they have a lot more patience than the clerical staff. You can take it as read that I make damn sure they get priority !


New member
Jul 7, 2003
But we have always had problems in Schools some more sinister than others.

My School was mayhem at times and that as I have said was 1970's.

My Son's Schools are modern bright and fantastically run and the overall behaviour seems very good.

I also was at school in the late 60s and 70s but very few pupils in those days would back answer a teacher much less assault one. Of course ninety nine times out a hundred the staff would get the full backing of parents although I would dispute just how effective corporal punishment was as some kids were not in the least bit concerned about it.

Jul 5, 2003
On your point about Britishness.

Yes, they are adopted traditions but pretty much everything about Christmas can be traced back to the pagans. You could argue that no tradition is original to th particular country. Scotland didn't invent kilts or shortbread or bag-pipes but those are symbols of Scotland. We don't have anything like that anymore which is a shame.

Yes, minorities make up the majorities but that was on a seperate point to be honest. We pussy-foot around immigrants and homosexuals because we don't want to be seen as discriminatory. We use positive discrimination - it is ridiculous. I completely despise positive discrimination. It is also feminism as well. I know of feminists who don't want to go into a line of work but do jsut ebcause tehre aren't many women - ridiculous. That could be costing a young man who actually wants that job a chance to provide for his family.

Ah, but where did the Pagans come from? The Roman Empire! Not "England". The thing about Britain that I've come to learn is that all our traditions, cultures, etc are not British made, the thing that makes Britain Britain is that it is a mash of all different cultures. What examples of "British Culture" do you know of that don't have their roots in another culture? I can;t think of any, maybe the "Sunday Roast"!!!

I cannot see why you keep saying about all this "pussy-foot" business. If you were allowed to state your opinion, what would you say?

Don't go anywhere near feminism if you know what's good for you!


New member
Jan 18, 2008
I'm guessing you're a feminist then.

I am willing to get into it with you, but for different reasons to what you expect. I am very open-minded and I want to understand things. I don't understand Roman Catholicism (at the moment I am quite anti it) and I am anti-feminist but if you want to enlighten me you go girl.

Jul 5, 2003
Well my current employers are one of the pilot trusts, I was surprised to learn that my team are the only one in the entire land that are actually certified to provide support to other trusts (I gather that's a good thing). I am due to start my CRS training shortly but from where I sit it seems to be riddled with problems despite a seemingly abundance of funding (sadly no doubt at the cost of actual health care). What I did find even more staggering is the amount of computerisation that there is within the health service, last week a quite few few appointments had to be canceled because we had a problem that meant X-rays couldn't be displayed online. Mind you, it's also a bit mind boggling too. I do like that fact that the vast majority of doctors prefer you to call them by their first names and they have a lot more patience than the clerical staff. You can take it as read that I make damn sure they get priority !

I'll think you'll find that's the doctors, it's when you get to the consultants that you get the first-name terms problems!!!

The X-rays now are amazing. With them being digital now, you can zoom in and out, and change contrasts now, so you can see problems better! It is brilliant, but surprisingly not used in private hospitals!!!

Jul 5, 2003
I'm guessing you're a feminist then.

I am willing to get into it with you, but for different reasons to what you expect. I am very open-minded and I want to understand things. I don't understand Roman Catholicism (at the moment I am quite anti it) and I am anti-feminist but if you want to enlighten me you go girl.

It's a bit strong to call me a feminist, but I do believe that women should get exactly the same treatment as men. The idea of men having to be the "breadwinners" is absolutely diabolical, and wrong in it's very core. I think there are elements of positive discrimination, but it happens the other way too - especially if you look at male nurses in the healthcare system, who are promoted above women even if they have the same qualifications and the same experience. Just because women push babies out of their vaginas doesn't mean that we should be treated discriminatorily.

And I am an atheist, but you have to have some kind of knowledge about religion to be able to discuss it!!


New member
Jul 7, 2003
I'll think you'll find that's the doctors, it's when you get to the consultants that you get the first-name terms problems!!!

The X-rays now are amazing. With them being digital now, you can zoom in and out, and change contrasts now, so you can see problems better! It is brilliant, but surprisingly not used in private hospitals!!!

Oh God ! You are so right, some consultants are from a different planet ! I had one the other days who did a marvelous impression of Sushila, Sanjeev's grandmother from The Kumar's at No 42, except she wasn't joking ! A lot of the consultants are complete technophobes but in fairness, at least they know it !

Our trust is buggered with IT I have to admit, I just wish some many of them wouldn't keep forgetting their passwords. Mind you, the clerical staff tend to say that the computer has changed theirs.


New member
Jan 18, 2008
Fair enough. I believe in equal treatment too, but personally I think it's swung the other way and you have the better deal. Just my opinion from my 15 years and 9 months in this world!

Jul 5, 2003
Fair enough. I believe in equal treatment too, but personally I think it's swung the other way and you have the better deal. Just my opinion from my 15 years and 9 months in this world!

Believe me, think again!!! How many women are in Paliament, isn't it 15 now?! Think about the leading people in the country in business, all men!!

I've got to go, got a 3 hour journey ahead of me! Bloody trains, you just know a man runs them!


New member
Jul 7, 2003
I'm guessing you're a feminist then.

I am willing to get into it with you, but for different reasons to what you expect. I am very open-minded and I want to understand things. I don't understand Roman Catholicism (at the moment I am quite anti it) and I am anti-feminist but if you want to enlighten me you go girl.

Very enlightening, you're anti Catholic yet you don't understand it, wonder where you stand on nuclear physics ? As it is I am a relapsed Catholic and I do understand why I am anti any religion. Unbelievably state schools in the US have no religious teaching at all now, odd considering how many God botherers live there. Mind you their schools and youth crime are far more serious than ours.


New member
Jan 18, 2008
I think you're misinterpretting what I am saying.

I understand what they believe but I don't really understand why and to me it appears there is no logical reason. For instance, abortion. They take a zero-tolerance view of it and I just don't understand how they can say that a women who has been raped should have to have a child who will remind her of that terrible thing for years to come and who she doesn't want! I just don't understand how they can justify it! (on abortion before anyone starts, I do think laws are too soft at the moment but I still don't agree with the Catholic view).


Moving further North...
Feb 19, 2006
Some really interesting points here.

SeagullEd's first post was one of the best posts I have read on NSC. A lot of the problem, in my opinion, is the media's need for a headline. 'Yob culture' is seemingly one of the stories that fills the void every slow news day (today is the exception, when it genuinely is linked to a major story). I do not think the problem is any worse than it has been in the past - it is just not swept under the carpet anymore.

One thing that always annoyed me as a teenager was that the 'older generation' used to check their wallets as I walked past, whether alone or as part of a group of friends. People seemingly assume the worst in young people. The vast majority of young people are well behaved and ambitious. Unfortunately the 'good people' are not celebrated in today's media.

Really, it is the minority that ruin things for evrybody else.


cleaning up cat sick
Nov 29, 2005
somewhere in Eastbourne
The Tory party are the ones which took the discipline out of schools in the 1980's which has gone a long way to causing the problems with the youngsters we have now, but to hear them constantly sniping at the government you'd think they were totally blameless.

absolutely right and to hear them you would think they had nothing to do with the so called demise of the NHS and the railways and anything else they tried to sell off to their mates.
And I see the tory leaders promise that politics would not become personal has gone out of the window like most of the rest of their promises and don't you think its strange that suddenly all this confidential files are going missing or strangely found on roundabouts.
excuse my paranoia having lived through the thatcher years it makes you bit like that.???


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