surprised Springsteen hasn't had a kicking yet
The River

(I love Born to Run, so I'm not being snide).
surprised Springsteen hasn't had a kicking yet
Madonna - Like a virgin
Queen - bicycle race
Stevie wonder - signed, sealed delivered
Diana Ross - ain’t no mountain high enough
Dolly Parton - working 9-5
Me too and it’s Melody Maker not NME
Not sure how I missed not adding this to my list, I’m also not sure how this thread has got this far without a mention of it.
Do you recognise these naff lyrics. Clue: talentless vocalist with chronic blocked sinuses.
Why don't you use it?
Try not to bruise it
Buy time, don't lose it.
Rock DJ
Let Me Entertain You : Robbie Williams
My Sweet Lord.
A questionable act of plagiarism, and meaningless lyrics.
Dross of the highest order.
Looks like Duran Duran. But aye aye aye aye aye like Duran Duran. Not that particular song, I'll admit.
I’d put Hallelujah by ANYBODY as a dull repetitive DIRGE!
I love Leonard Cohen though, especially in his later concerts with full backing
The Riddle - Nik Kershaw
[He must live off the Radio Sussex royalties alone, they literally play it every single show, forever].
Soz @HWT.