Hello by The Beloved has about 30 names and even manages to rhyme Fred Astaire with Vince Hillair
My error. Wasn't sure if Abraham actually existed. Assumed he did. Possibly not. Was pretty certain Cain, Abel and Noah were fictional. The same with Robin Hood who is to my understanding just a legend although he may have been based on a real person.Abraham isn't mentioned in 'Desolation Row'. He is mentioned in 'Highway 61 Revisited'. If biblical characters are accepted as real under your rules, he does mention Cain and Able and Noah, taking 'Desolation Row' to nine. If they're not, it's only six. Robin Hood could take it to ten. There is as much evidence for his existence as there is for any of the Biblical names.
The rules are:
1. Either the full name, first name or surname must be mentioned in either the title or lyrics.
2. If only the first name or surname is used it must be in reference to an actual person.
3. Songs which are allegedly about a particular person but none of that person's names are used are not permitted. ("You're so Vain" allegedly about Mick Jagger or Warren Beatty is not permitted)
4. All name references must be to an actual person, living or dead, not to a fictional character.
I'll start the ball rolling with an exhaustive list of Bob Dylan songs who evidentally is something of a name dropper. In "Desolation Row" he namechecks seven people and in "I Shall be Free" he mentions eight. Can anyone beat this