Staring at the rude boys
Wrong. If you have just cause to be there (even chasing after your dog) and you are injured by a driver insured or uninsured you have the right to claim against that driver. If they are uninsured they are still liable. If I hit a wayward shot off the the 17th at Hollingbury and I hit a car seriously injuring the driver I don't have a third party liability insurance I am liable. As I am if I am insured.
You have to have insurance if you are driving on an area of land that the public has access to. If they are able to gain access legally or not.Private or not.
You're confusing requirements under the road traffic act and civil liability.
All the examples you cite fall under civil, not criminal, law.
If what you say is true then Ford/vauxhall et al would need to insure EVERY vehicle in their factory just in case someone illegally enters the car park and jumps out in front of a car as it is being driven.