Brighton Mod
Its All Too Beautiful
it's been there for everyone to see for years , maybe you should open up your eyes
The problem is that since the Biafran famine in the late 60s we have all become used to the same scenes of young children with distended bellies and thin arms. These shocking television images, which are shocking, no longer have the same effect and we are now seeing charity fatigue as a result of the corruption and lies that are peddled. Th UN is a racket, I've seen thousands of tonnes of wheat at warehouses in Djibouti, left to rot due to incompetence, UN staff lavishing themselves in countries where many starve, incorrect data and intelligence send out to extracate themselves from troubled areas and 180 degree wrong decisions made due to not understanding the situation on the ground.
Somalia was the bread basket of North East Africa and Russian/US meddling has made it what it is today, but don't confuse Somaliland which holds the northern coastline with the rest of Somalia which is run in a very different way. When I hear journalist, politicians and aid workers referring to Somalia as whole, I know immediately they do not know what they are talking about. The truth is, very few people really care.