Jam The Man
Well-known member
Talking of which good luck with the move!
Cheers pal.. looking forward to it all being over and celebrating your milestone on Satdi. 50 years old eh!? Who'd have known!
Talking of which good luck with the move!
Wrongto my knowledge none.
I wonder how many willies make one half of a man in total. My guess is 86, off the top of my head, which is not generally where willy-numbering resides.
I don't know any of you on NSC and that's the way I like it! I like to imagine what you good people look like in a non freaky way! Maybe we should have a reveal day, where our avatars are our real faces! Then again it could look like a scene from the hills have eyes.
You mean the avatars AREN'T your real faces? That's a massive disappointment.
Mine is.
Only 1
Hillian1, a man I enjoy sharing the odd pint with.
So is mine.
I can confirm that.