Je suis rôti de boeuf
BTW is taking drugs still illegal , I get confused in today's " liberal modern" world ?
I think so and should get a 5 year ban from football but it is not policed,
BTW is taking drugs still illegal , I get confused in today's " liberal modern" world ?
These dickheads are just that dickheads nothing like the firm we used to have back in the day, this lot would shit themselves if ever went off in fact I would find it rather amusing if it did.
Kids/ young adults in front of me were very quiet and behaved but they were sucking something out of a plastic container pink/blue in colour it looked like a vape but no smoke ( or whatever comes out of a vape) the three guys were passing it around taking big lung fulls then covering their mouths with their shits for a few Seconds… I had some words on it hazy Mary or something…
Now I know I’m old but any idea what it was? And why do youngsters want to mess with strange stuff?? Is beer not enough?
Back then Cocaine was only available to Popstars and The Landed Gentry.
One of these ‘fans’ had eyes like a killer shark last night, don’t get me wrong like a large number of people in my generation I’ve dabbled in things I maybe shouldn’t have , but why take Coke when going to football?
Surely you’re there to enjoy yourself watching the Albion?
Unfortunately we have moved into a shameless society. Just take a look at the excellent "Night Coppers" TV series based in Brighton to see how many of the young and middle age behave nowadays when on drugs - BTW is taking drugs still illegal , I get confused in today's " liberal modern" world ?
I know what you mean to an extent, the fear of real actual violence that used to occur on a regular basis has gone, those days of attacks planned or random are nowhere near as prevalent as they used to be, firms infiltrating the home sections. So these young wanna be hard fellas, have never sung out of turn and suddenly got a whack to the noggin or beaten to pulp by the opposition fans, they can be "Charlie Big Bollox" (see what I did there) with almost no repercussions, they don't have to check around them, to see if there are some unkowns near them, they can walk to and from the stadium under a police escort or without on most occasions without fear of a barrage of bricks or an on rush from some park by locals on an away day. They can just be dicks, simple.
Has anything really changed? I remember when we drew at Liverpool and Crumplin had Barnes in his pocket and John Byrne scored a late equaliser that the game was ruined for me by non stop abuse and insult hurling from a group of Albion fans around us. We were packed in and unable to move away.
Another one was Peterborough away in the Cup when some Albion fans started fighting amongst themselves.
Dickheads have taken the shine off some away games forever.
ill give you Alex Williams in goal and bananas on the pitch around 84 ....and when Shilton came down with forest after the notorious layover incident with Tina.....if you were there you were there , it was funny at the time but looking back on it now it was embarrassing.
Think you are right. But the limited number of Police are running around dealing with shootings and stabbings and politically correct groups trying to restrict them at every turn rather than drugged up fools at football games.
Where did you stand last night? Were you somewhere near the half way line?
This is what I was trying to say, but has been far better written by Psychobilly.
In the 80's/90's I would never have been brave enough to wear a Brighton shirt on a day out to Upton Park.
As a 20 something I would have expected to get battered somewhere along the way.
You must have been near me, they moved beside and behind me fir the second half. What joy.
The thickest, ugliest, dullest sub human matter. What is the point of such matter?
The reason for the poor atmosphere, they were hideous.
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Sorry you’re not in a good place, go for a walk, call a mate, feel better…Sorry, I'm on a real downer this morning with a couple of personal problems re family and money. I hope nobody is upset or offended with anything I've said. I just feel so low at the moment mate.
Trevor Morley (?) stab stab stab![]()
It happened every game at the Goldstone in the 90s from what I can remember
That sounds truly disgusting![]()
I am of similar vintage as the OP. In my youth I suppose I was what he would now regard as a bit of a bellend. Drink won't have helped but I've never gone near coke.
I was slung out of the North Stand several times; swearing and an over-excitable "Knees Up Brighton Town" were two of them. I was on the pitch when the crossbars got smashed at Aldershot. I was on the pitch during the Big Match protest match. I have shouted abuse at numerous opposition players and sung Jimmy Saville songs to Leeds and about "shooting the palace scum".
I wouldn't do now much of what I have done in the past for sure. But neither can I condemn those that are basically doing now what I was doing 40+ years ago.
I'm certain the OP would never have committed any misdemeanours at BHAFC matches in his younger days. But I did and I'm sure plenty of others on this thread did too!
Football has become sanitised over the decades. I'm surprised that the OP can't see that football is a far more pleasant and safe environment than 40/50 years ago.