Brain Surgeon
I've had minor glitches dragons flying backwards, flying horses that turn invisible. I had one major glitch during a companion quest where one of the companions were supposed to meet me at the steps to the building, but didn't making the quest impossible to finish. I just skipped back a few saves to before I joined the Companions and carried on.
Any DLC Bethseda make will be substantial add ons and not quick additions, found this blog that might interest a few of you.
Wow, that's immense. The path to Morrowind looks primed for a DLC, but I can only assume that the rest of it is there for modding purposes. The 'Morrowind rebuilt' mods for Oblivion looked great but never (afaik) got very far because there was so much work involved in creating the landmass. If that is (even roughly) done it's a great time-saver. Similar, I seem to remember reading somewhere that a lot of the landscape is auto-generated (such as trees, which would explain those seen miles into Morrowind). Could be a modders dream. Imagine being able to catch a lift to the Imperial City? Or visiting the obliterated Vvardenfell?
On the bugs issue - I've run into a couple of minor ones (currently started one of the early main quest missions and can't get the quest marker to disappear, despite not having marked it in the journal, and it seems to be bugging the other quests up. Guess I'm off to Solitude then!) but nothing that's really killed the game for me. Certainly no backwards-dragons!