It appears the same for people ringing Sky or Virgin just now, the companies are robotically saying "goodbye then" / processing requests for much simpler/cheaper packages, end of.
Perhaps the years of everyone from Martin Lewis to the average punter, advising on the knack of pretending you're departing, has come to end with Sky/Virgin happy to have a rump of 80% plus paying them full whack?
You may have better luck having a wide package of services?
I was happy that they didn't try to persuade me to stay, a saving of nearly a grand every year will be very helpful.
I'm 5 days away from my Sky cancellation after 11 years of service and I've had 1 SMS with an offer to come back, which wasn't that competitive at all. So think we are seeing the companies wise up and hold fast sadly...
You need to call them and speak to their disconnections dept, they are the only ones that can offer you a new deal with heavily discounted rates. If you fail to get a discount with them then you know that they have gone as low as they are willing to go. Do you have Virgin media in your area? If so, look at the current deals they are offering to new customers and tell Sky that you will take your business to Virgin unless they can match or better that offer. If Sky say no, have a serious look at Virgin as with my above post there are some very good deals to be had and Virgin broadband is the best we've ever had. Sky use BT Open reach and as far as I am aware they can not compete with the broadband speeds that Virgin offer.
I'm 5 days away from my Sky cancellation after 11 years of service and I've had 1 SMS with an offer to come back, which wasn't that competitive at all. So think we are seeing the companies wise up and hold fast sadly...
I cancelled in Feb after over 10 years with them after the best price they could offer was a 15% increase. Didnt get a single offer to stay so I'd agree with this.
We decided to change to watching things on demand now (excluding BBC iPlayer) which has allowed us to cancel TV licence too saving nearly a grand a year and after 6 weeks I have absolutely no regrets.
I cancelled in Feb after over 10 years with them after the best price they could offer was a 15% increase. Didnt get a single offer to stay so I'd agree with this.
We decided to change to watching things on demand now (excluding BBC iPlayer) which has allowed us to cancel TV licence too saving nearly a grand a year and after 6 weeks I have absolutely no regrets.
£95 in total .wowMy original 18 month deal with Virgin is due to end so I thought I would give them a call as there was no way I am going to pay £147.50 per month instead of the current £85 per month. It took half an hour of sorting out various things as my original deal included a mobile sim with unlimited mins, text and data which Virgin no longer do. The end result was that I signed up for another 18 months keeping my existing package ( All tv, Sky + BT sports and movies), 600mb broadband, landline + 18 months free Netflix for £70 per month and £25 per month for the same SIM only deal with O2. A good time to be getting a new deal or to renegotiate a current deal with many families cancelling various TV subscriptions at the moment.
What on demand services can you watch without TV Licence
Been with them for 25 + years. Phoned up last week, answered within 5 mins. Initially unable to better the deal offered but also said they would put me straight through to retentions team who had all the best deals available. All sorted within 20 mins and slightly better deal than I have been on for the past 18 months - which considering all the price hikes pretty pleased with.
I have all the packages (apart from Movies), 2 x multi-room, phone, supa fast broadband, HD etc for £90
So no live TV, live sports whatsoever?
It's a big move to save £159 per year. I've cut a huge amount of services out of our subscriptions, but I'd miss being able to watch a bit of live sport - like falling asleep last night watching the snooker!.
iPlayer is as good as some of the other online providers, but if you've cut the chord, hats off.
My cancel date for Sky is next Monday.
I have bought a digital free view recorder cos the only thing we watch on Sky is the odd football match, so I’m going to cancel. It will save me £90, another £12 for the insurance you need for Sky, and I changed my broadband a couple of months ago from snail speed Sky to pretty quick Virgin, at 10 quid a month less.
I’ll keep Netflix, and if I want to watch any football that can’t be streamed from ,ahem, alternative sources, I’ll get a day Now Tv pass.
I've signed up for Virgin with broadband, TV and Sky and BT sports for £69 per month.
The key was being able to record programmes. I often record to watch later and Now doesn't allow that.
It’s DGI Sky protect. I was advised to take it out on my original contract about 6 years ago. As you don’t actually own your Sky box, any faults/damage etc is down to the user to make right, I didn’t realise I was still paying it till I started looking at how much Sky was costing me for about 4 games of football a month.
This is just crazy. As you said you don't own the box so why are you responsible for its repair etc?
Luckily i'd never had a problem but there's no way I would have paid for repairs / a new box etc if it was needed to obtain the service. I suspect this is something they try and get away with but would drop very quickly if pushed - questionable legally.