Listen to me!!!
Compulsory for 1 year to teach the young entitled lazy generation a thing or two.
And 1 year to teach the old entitled lazy generation a thing or two as wellCompulsory for 1 year to teach the young entitled lazy generation a thing or two.
This is the parents job. If they choose not to do their job then it’s on them and them alone.Compulsory for 1 year to teach the young entitled lazy generation a thing or two.
Agree. But I also think we could make the Army a more attractive career choice, and make volunteering for the TA easier and more rewarding. But the ‘middle ground’ option doesn’t get headlines/traction in this social media age does it.No - people should be free to do what they want with their lives not forced into service. It would also degrade our forces fighting ability using people who didn't want to be there. Do we have enough forces to defend the UK ? No. That's why we belong to NATO.
If it’s sold as a punishment no one will ever want to do it.For anyone littering, not picking up their dog shìt, or not indicating.
Basic NSC mistake. Expecting people to read what you have written, let alone understand what you have written, before offering their opinion.There are a number of poll options here and playing devils advocate:
Compulsory military service is just ONE suggestion in the poll - are people also against short term voluntary community schemes that offer a range of skills also?
If so, it can’t be on the basis we shouldn’t force young people to fight because the schemes are voluntary.
The British Army has relied on military based reservists for years but there are other community based options that other countries in the EU have piloted in recent years.
The majority of people polled by ukonward support some form of voluntary civic service - proponents suggest this engenders national pride and a desire to serve which would encourage recruitment in time of need:
Great British National Service
Great British National Service: How national service could develop skills, improve mental wellbeing, and increase a sense of belonging among Britain's
Some really valid points there.Firstly, declaration that I'm old so it wouldn't affect me (cards on the table and all that).
I'm not quite sure how a voluntary community based scheme is of any benefit to the armed forces? What skills would you learn in the community that will benefit in the theatre of war.
I also don't see the benefit of it being voluntary community service because I can't see you getting any more people to commit to it than those that volunteer anyway. If you were going to do it should be compulsory. 6 months after finishing either sixth form or finishing your first degree. You could offer 6 months in one hit or two weeks a year for the next 13!
As for the military option, I believe this has been prompted by comments from Latvia. We are in a very different position as Russia isn't sitting on our doorstep and I guess Trump's recent comments may mean those countries in close proximity to Putin don't feel reassured that membership of Nato is all it's cracked up to be!!
Once the genie is out of the box, there will be a clamour from the usual quarters to change it.True re. NSC - most people do seem to have jumped straight in with their own interpretation of ’some form‘ of national/civic service as compulsory - if only to allow it to be promptly ruled it out without considering alternatives
I’m interested to know how you think a volunteer service could be weaponised though - a volunteer service certainly couldn’t force making terrorists search for landmines (the whole point of a community based voluntary service is that it would be for the service of people living in the UK and participation would be voluntary - unless any participation in voluntary scheme was used as a punishment but we already have Community Service in the criminal justice system for that.
This.Absolutely not. Some people make horrible soldiers, conscript armies generally are just cannon fodder.
Fund the existing forces better and bring back a pride in service instead.
One assumes you have absolved your dear self from lifting a finger owing to your advanced years.Yes. It should be compulsory. If there is a war, it is the job of the younger generation who are more able-bodied to defend our land. There can be no objections. I know the soy latte generation find the concept of self-sacrifice completely alien but it is a pertinent one. Remember the reason we are typing these words in English today is because of the brave heroes in the 1940s.