Looks like snail damage mate....have you spotted any little snails in there...the loaches usually keep those down.
had a serious problem with snails, i now have 8 very fat clown loach and lots of shells !!!!!
I would hazard a guess that that isn't fish eating them, I would say more of a pest snail problem or die off, do you have sufficient lighting and co2? Do you have a substrate below your gravel/sand? Some plants need a lot of things to do well. Something the fish shops don't tell you about!
Well either my eyes deceive me, as I can't see any infestation of snails, or my Loaches are slacking, maybe I feed them too much. I am going to take another look.
As for substrate etc, yes, mixed with gravel at one end and sand at the other. The plants don't generally have a problem growing, at the other end of the tank I have Java Ferns, Vallisneria and a rampant floating cabomba type plant. and I do feed them every other week or so.
I don't tend to keep the lights on all day, just for a couple of hours in the evening when I can see the tank, do you think these little bleeders are coming out when it's dark? I've got 2 T8 lamps, One Power-Glo 40W (42in) and an Aqua-Glo 40W (42in) which come one for about 3 hours a day, should I have them on for longer?