Cancer, left tonsil.
That scar is from having my lymph nodes removed.
It is still completely numb above the scar until half way up my cheek. But , it’s better than the alternative.

Cancer, left tonsil.
That scar is from having my lymph nodes removed.
It is still completely numb above the scar until half way up my cheek. But , it’s better than the alternative.
I was visiting a friend at Chichester Uni on the weekend of my 21st birthday. We were off to the SU and my mate said he knew a shortcut which might require us to climb over a fence but it shaved a load of time off the journey. We get there and the fence is a lot higher than I realise, but we clamber over it and carry on. About 10 seconds later someone tells me that my legs bleeding. Look down expecting a graze and just see blood pouring out a hole in my jeans. Turns out I'd taken a chunk out of my leg on the way over the fence.
The worst part was the fence we'd climbed over was the back of Chichester hospital so we had to go all the way round.
Told my mates to go out, but one came back with me to A&E. It turns out my leg was bleeding so much that I had to be cut out of my jeans before they could even look at the cut. Me and my pal were waiting for ages and realised our drunken mucking about; whilst innocent, was probably quite annoying for the A&E staff so I decided if it was serious they'd have seen me by now - so we went back to his house and kept on drinking instead. Still got the scar on my leg, probably the size of a 10p and 5p coin next to each other, probably should have got stiches really.
Inch or so long scar on my left cheek after it was re-arranged by a bottle 20 odd years ago.
One on my chest after an operation to remove lipomas, same for the forearm. The surgeon injected me to numb the area and decided to start carving in the one place he hadn't injected......
Surely...that was the BEST part ?![]()
We'd just climbed from the hospital carpark over the fence to the other side. There was no way I was going back over the fence with my leg absolutely pissing blood so being so close to the hospital just seemed like it was mocking me.
Cool story bro
Seriously this is a good post and good advice about getting moles checked. I asked for advice at the hospital about a mole when I was seeing the skin specialist about something else.
I also had a Lipoma ( fatty lump ) at the top of my leg at the back, I got it checked by my doctor and was told it was nothing to worry about but could have it removed if I wanted.
A few years later I bought some new work trousers and they were uncomfortable next to the lump, I went back to the doctors and asked about an operation to get it removed.
I was on the operating table waiting for the surgeon and the nurse said he’s a bit stroppy, he marched in an told me I didn’t need it cut out and why was I worried, he did do the op though.
I then got a call from the doctor to say they needed to cut more out as they had suspected it could be cancerous.
I didn't know what a lipoma was, so I googled it. These are definitely what I've been cutting out of myself for years (probably not recommended). They feel like ball bearings under the skin. I seem to only get them around my jawline/neck although I haven't had one for a while.
When they get obsessed with the book they think they have to do everything by they can be absolute pricks.
I had a 'clinical diagnosis' (i.e., GP's opinion based on 'experience' and no actual examination) of diverticulosis more than 20 years ago. It turns out it is lactose intolerance, so I had been eating roughage (which is fine) but doing nothing about the torrential diarrhoea that was close to forcing me to retire from work. Only a bit of random experimentation that I decided to try off my own bat identified the issue (and resolved it). I was thinking of giving up going to football because of it. A victim of shithousery (literally).
I hope you got yourself sorted.![]()
I've got several scars from having moles cut out.
Back in 97 I just finished playing squash and getting changed when some random bloke said to me "ooo you better get that checked out" I said "what you talking about?" he said "That mole on your back, it doesn't look right. My dad had a mole like that and it turned out to be cancerous"
So being in my mid 20's I said thanks and ignored him, however I did go to the Doctors a month later, just because I couldn't stop thinking about what he said.
So I saw a specialist and he said "Yes we'll cut that out, and also the one on your arm as I don't like the look of that one"
Anyway after being cut and they got checked, I got called back and he said "The one on your back is fine, however the one on your arm is a bit dangerous (a malignant melanoma) and it's spread so we need to cut more of your skin" Thankfully the next removal got all of it. So over the years I've been vigilant in looking for different shaped moles, if I see one I get it cut out. Luckily though all fine since.
However if it wasn't for that bloke saying that to me, I have no doubt I would have died from skin cancer probably a few years after.
#awaits the "cool story bro" image!
Various work related scars.
Slight dent in the forehead from smashing a toilet up in a skip..
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Marv?One on top of my head due to a carving knife ,one on the back of my head due to a house brick ,another on my head after being pushed in to the side of a fireplace . One on my elbow due to a car accident 4k comp for a scar you can hardly see . one on the wedding ring finger caused by a ring pull ,still have no feeling in it as it cut through the tendons and nerves .
This has just really upset me. Don't rely on doctors appointments and check ups if you feel unwell then DEMAND to see a specialist and get yourself checked out properly.
I lost my dad 1 month and 3 days ago to 3 tumours on the brain.
8 years ago my mum noticed a dodgy mole on his back but dad being dad said it was nothing to be worried about.
After persistent nagging he went to the doctor and they did a small biopsy. It was malignant.
He had the procedure and they cut a chunk out of his back and the doctor said "we think we got it all" and that was that.
In 2019 he was having trouble with his shoulder and restricted movement so spent 8 months seeing a physio to regain movement.
The problem wasn't his shoulder. The doctors hadn't got it all and missed a few tiny cells from the procedure. One of those rogue cells had travelled to his brain and started forming tumours that were affecting his movement.
That was in April 2020.
In July 2020 he had intensive radiotherapy for 3 unoperable tumours and then started tablet chemo which made him feel like shit.
We lost him 1st Sept 2021 and his funeral was 24th Sept.
Don't take just because its been removed that it's gone.
I'm so so sorry for your loss, I got lucky at the time and if I could find that bloke I would be giving him the biggest hug ever and tell him thankyou a million times over.
Because of him I carried on living and went on to find my wife and have 3 gorgeous children and I've just hit 50.
I am always checking for any changes in moles and as other people have said, if you think one looks different as in different colours within the same mole or it has an irregular shape etc then get seen and have it cut out. Again I'm sorry [MENTION=20792]spongy[/MENTION], didn't mean to upset anybody with my story.
I have a massive psychological scar from the 1993 NatWest Final when Sussex batted first and scored a record 321 runs only to lose to Warwickshire after we allowed Asif f*cking Din to get 104.
This was far worse than the Palace play-off loss or the Euro '96 semi-final loss to Germany on penalties.
I should mention my mate Dave from uni who is the unluckiest bloke I've ever met as far as 'accidents' are concerned. As far as I'm aware he's never actually stapled his dick to his leg, but I wouldn't put it past him.
Have you fallen out with him by chance ? Only ask as I remember what you said happens to people you fall out with !