Well-known member
- Aug 22, 2012
- 4,979
Interesting development.
I'm WFH today, so as is my WONT, I minced along for a cheeky bit of lunchtime lubrication at my local, which happens to be a Greene King. On settling down with a pint, a paper, and a bag of cheese and onion Discos, a couple of the staff were pinning up a load of those World Cup banners you get with the flags of all the participating nations, up around the bar. I like these, as its always a nice little challenge identifying each nations flag. Anyway, someone else was sitting down at a table with a pair of scissors, busily cutting off all the green flags of Saudi Arabia. When I asked why, it turns out that Greene King have (apparently) been told to do this, as the Saudi's object to their flag being displayed in venues that sell alcohol. The directive came down from Greene King HQ, and apparently the GK chain won't be the only pubs under these orders.
Without going Daily Mail tonto, who are the Saudi's to dictate what flags UK pubs are allowed to display during the World Cup ? Its not even their World Cup. Whats it got to do with them ? And what are they going to do about it ?
Crackers decision to go along with it IMO. But I am nearly 51.
You lost me at Cheese and Onion.
Everyone knows Salt and Vinegar is the place to be.