If you plan to re-join under a different name, consider an internet cafe.
I await a new member calling himself "an internet cafe"
If you plan to re-join under a different name, consider an internet cafe.
Is it also odd that the IP address that you used to make this post matches the one on the most recent edit on Wikipedia?
Do you think we're stupid?
Is it just me or is some of the abuse on this thread way over the top?
What was the Wiki page edited to anyway?
That RSC had signed for us tomorrow. Lol.
I thought you said you wanted to leave the site after you've made yourself look like a grade A twat, why are you still on here then?
I await a new member calling himself "an internet cafe"
What was the Wiki page edited to anyway?
Imagine if he did sign tomorrow after all this, now that would be very funny
some people really take this site too seriously. a shitty joke backfired and he's 'been owned', 'looks like a grade a twat', 'is probably a complete f***ing prick in real life', and 'needs to get a life'.
tlo is a dickbag.
What a bellend the OP is.
How could he have signed on Wednesday the 18th of July when it isn't even that date yet, special kid.