My heart goes out to him, and to anyone who loses a baby.
I thought my son had died during his birth for several minutes - he was born in theatre, and without going into the graphic details looked utterly lifeless and did not breathe on his own accord for almost 10 minutes; long enough to have processed what was going on around me and to have accepted his fate. I have never felt anything like the stress, the worry and the grief of those 10 minutes, which felt like years.
Somehow, we got away with it. My son will turn 9 in November, and is a healthy and happy little boy. I am very fortunate that I only had to experience those most painful of emotions for a short space of time before experiencing equally the greatest sense of relief I have ever felt in my life.
I wouldn’t wish this on anybody. I hope he is able to take comfort in and to channel his grief into bringing up his little girl.
The first time I ever felt anything kind towards Ronaldo. My wife and I suffered 2 miscarriages and one was quite late. It was extremely distressing and not something I would want anyone to go through.