But that's what I said, there is no critical incentive to innovate with other cusines beyond a certain point, when locals are still experimenting with their own local cuisine's variety. In the UK, with colonisation, immigration, capital markets sophistication and a locl cuisine that's not that enticing, you HAVE to develop a thriving foreign food industry.I've been to Italy nearly a 100x and I used to work for an Italian company. I agree with what you say about Italian food within the country. but the standard of other countries cuisine is below average and my mind won't be changed on that
I live in London and I could go out now and get world class Japanese , greek , Indian , Chinese , Thai , Malaysian , french etc in a heartbeat......not possible in Italy.
Italian radios are filled with British pop music, while... how many British radios would specialise in Italian pop music given there is so much local music to play? (Purposefully excluding opera and classic music, because there Italians were the innovators and among the best).