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Road Rage


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2003
following on from the standard of driving post.

Has anyone ever been on the recieving end of road rage or dished out some serious road rage. To the point of getting out of cars etc.

I once got out of my car to confront a bloke who cut me up at some traffic lights (a27 maccy d's nr Li'hampton)and gave me a finger salute for hitting my horn at him . He saw me , shat himself and ended up driving in to the other lane to get away . Thing was he then had to turn left and ended up going completely the wrong way to where he was going to go .

I did smile


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2004
West Yorkshire
My dad got a right hook in the face a few years back after hooting a couple of chavs who were slowly weaving around on bicycles in front of him.

He overtook them, stopped at the roundabout ahead, one of them rode up alongside, opened his door and lamped him.



Captain Of The Crew
Oct 10, 2004
My husband is the worst for road rage. He is the most laid back, calm, tolerant person in the world until he gets behind the wheel of a car.

He has gotten out the car more than once to gob off to someone else. We were coming back from dinner out and something happened between him and another driver and he followed this guy for miles out of our way just to give him a piece of his mind.

It's stupid and one day he is going to give the gob to the wrong person :-(

I've dished out some pedestrian rage. Had my youngest in the pushchair, the two oldest on their bikes. We had to cross the road on a crossing - well not a zebra one but a place with those bumps for blind people you know. Anyway, got the kids off their bikes to push across and crossed, got to the middle, checked the road and started crossing. This car came flying out of the side road and onto the road and missed my middle child by inches. He lept out and was all like "What are they doing in the road?" Uhm. Dumbass crossing. If you hadn't been going 860 miles an hour you wouldn't have nearly hit her. We had a huge barny, I went into total mama bear mode and he told me he was calling the police on me and wanted my name and address and stuff. He was a complete moron. Grr.

JJ McClure

Go Jags
Jul 7, 2003
A had a episode with some twat a few years back. Following the usual slow idiot along the Balcombe Road with a couple of cars behind me, we get the the fast straight bit and the fella behind me goes to pull out and overtake however I'm also pulling out to pass and he almost drives up my arse. He then proceeds to tailgate me the rest of the way to Crawley and looks to pass at every opportunity.
I think I REALLY pissed him off when he tried to overtake me again coming into Maidenbower and I matched his speed almost causing him to drive into the bollards in the middle of the road.
Stopped at a roadabout and I can see him all steamed up about to get out of his car when we moved off again.
I blew him a cheeky little kiss in my mirror as he went off left behind me.
I can be a right arsehole sometimes.


Registered Cider Drinker
Apr 21, 2004
Cider Country
Starry said:
My husband is the worst for road rage. He is the most laid back, calm, tolerant person in the world until he gets behind the wheel of a car.

He has gotten out the car more than once to gob off to someone else. We were coming back from dinner out and something happened between him and another driver and he followed this guy for miles out of our way just to give him a piece of his mind.

It's stupid and one day he is going to give the gob to the wrong person :-(

I've dished out some pedestrian rage. Had my youngest in the pushchair, the two oldest on their bikes. We had to cross the road on a crossing - well not a zebra one but a place with those bumps for blind people you know. Anyway, got the kids off their bikes to push across and crossed, got to the middle, checked the road and started crossing. This car came flying out of the side road and onto the road and missed my middle child by inches. He lept out and was all like "What are they doing in the road?" Uhm. Dumbass crossing. If you hadn't been going 860 miles an hour you wouldn't have nearly hit her. We had a huge barny, I went into total mama bear mode and he told me he was calling the police on me and wanted my name and address and stuff. He was a complete moron. Grr.

If he turned into the road that you were crossing it was your right of way anyway.

Tom Bombadil

Well-known member
Jul 14, 2003
I got chased up the A24 by an idiot in a Subaru a few years back. He was upset because I wouldn't move over to let him past. I was overtaking some lorries and doing at least 10mph more than them but he obviously expected me to pull over after the first one and let him past so he was tailgating me.
Once I'd passed the lorries he pulled alongside me ( i'd moved over) and started trying to drive me off the road, his car actually hit the side of mine. I slowed down and sped up but he matched me and because I was in a clapped out old banger there was no way I could out run him. I managed to get into a filter lane to turn right by emergency braking but he pulled in behind me and started to get out of his car. I couldn't get across the other carriageway but luckily on our side the traffic was clear, so i pulled back onto the road. Within seconds he'd caught me up again and we were approaching the traffic lights on that big junction just south of Horsham.

I again got in the right turn filter lane, he drew up behind and got out of his car. I waited till he'd walked away from it a bit then pulled out of the filter lane across the traffic and through the garage on the corner. Before he could follow he was blocked in by traffic so I managed to lose him, but it had been real brown trouser time and all cos I wouldn't get ou of the way when he thought I should ( and as I was going faster than the speed limit and overtaking traffic I had every right not to)


Registered Abuser
Oct 1, 2003
80's Seagull said:
I think I REALLY pissed him off when he tried to overtake me again coming into Maidenbower and I matched his speed almost causing him to drive into the bollards in the middle of the road.

That is one of the most dangerous, idiotic and retarded things you can do in a car.

Well done :thumbsup:
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Up the Albion!
Jul 8, 2003
On the ocean wave
There was a ruck at at Holingbury Asda petrol pumps earlier this evening.
Some smelly type was a having a row with a Joe Frazier looky-likie. I saw the smelly boot Joes motor & thought, "Ooh, you shouldn't have done that!"
Joe got out & the smelly shat his pants, so Joe gave him a little hold of the throat.
The Asda staff arrived to quieten things down: which was a shame!


JJ McClure

Go Jags
Jul 7, 2003
Lammy said:
That is one of the most dangerous, idiotic and retarded things you can do in a car.

Well done :thumbsup:

Well he was driving on the cross hatchings at the time, I was just encouraging him to pull in.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2004
West Yorkshire
Voroshilov said:
I got chased up the A24 by an idiot in a Subaru a few years back. He was upset because I wouldn't move over to let him past. I was overtaking some lorries and doing at least 10mph more than them but he obviously expected me to pull over after the first one and let him past so he was tailgating me.
Once I'd passed the lorries he pulled alongside me ( i'd moved over) and started trying to drive me off the road, his car actually hit the side of mine. I slowed down and sped up but he matched me and because I was in a clapped out old banger there was no way I could out run him. I managed to get into a filter lane to turn right by emergency braking but he pulled in behind me and started to get out of his car. I couldn't get across the other carriageway but luckily on our side the traffic was clear, so i pulled back onto the road. Within seconds he'd caught me up again and we were approaching the traffic lights on that big junction just south of Horsham.

I again got in the right turn filter lane, he drew up behind and got out of his car. I waited till he'd walked away from it a bit then pulled out of the filter lane across the traffic and through the garage on the corner. Before he could follow he was blocked in by traffic so I managed to lose him, but it had been real brown trouser time and all cos I wouldn't get ou of the way when he thought I should ( and as I was going faster than the speed limit and overtaking traffic I had every right not to)

:eek: Bloody hell, that sounds like an absolute nightmare. Did you report him to the bizzies? f***ing nutter by the sounds of it!


Jul 5, 2003
was peacefully driving down old kent road last year (normally give way too everyone here) was in the right hand lane when someone decides to overtake me on the inside, then overtakes some parked cars, (reason i was in the righthand lane) and moves over at me, forcing me into the centre of the road, they are inches from me, this carried on for about 50 yards, they actually caught me rear bumper, after the next lights he overtakes me and slams his brakes on and drives at ten miles per hour, now i am a placid man, but he made me mad, lucky for me the next set of lights, they were red so out i jumped and ran towards them, two old gits, sat frozen facing forward whilst a 18 stone, stocky man with a skinhead was banging on their window, asking him to get out so i could explain the highway code to them, the lights turned green and he drove off, i accidently caught his aerial, which bent, funny though none of the cars waiting behind me beeped their horns whilst waitng for me too return too me car.


NSC's Most Intelligent
Oct 26, 2005
Burgess Hill
I know someone who had just filled their sports car up with petrol and started speeding down a one way road when they hit another car coming up full on.There was a couple in the other ar,the women bit her lip,the bloke punctered his lung but they guy I know broke both his legs and cracked his head open.They blocked the entire road off and the bloke I know somehow didnt feel a thing as he was so hurt he didnt know what day it was!Headline next day was 'Mr.Lucky'

Monkey Man

Your support is not that great
Jan 30, 2005
Neither here nor there
A strange man took offence at some perceived error on my part at Crawley and proceeded to tailgate me all the way to Lewes, gesturing for me to stop and get out so he could hit me. So I dialled 999, gave the police his registration number, and prepared to head for Seaford nick.

The guy eventually turned tail and disappeared.

Aggressive driving takes years off your life, either through the added stress of it all or because you eventually flip over the central reservation. Chill in the slow lane at 65mph and leave 10 minutes earlier, put a CD on and enjoy the scenery. Life is much better.:)


NSC's Most Intelligent
Oct 26, 2005
Burgess Hill
Monkey Man said:
A strange man took offence at some perceived error on my part at Crawley and proceeded to tailgate me all the way to Lewes, gesturing for me to stop and get out so he could hit me. So I dialled 999, gave the police his registration number, and prepared to head for Seaford nick.

The guy eventually turned tail and disappeared.

Aggressive driving takes years off your life, either through the added stress of it all or because you eventually flip over the central reservation. Chill in the slow lane at 65mph and leave 10 minutes earlier, put a CD on and enjoy the scenery. Life is much better.:)

And of course you were going to Seaford!No porblems is there when you're going there!


Jul 19, 2003
Not myself but my dad and I get pretty mad if we goes to park my bike in a bike park and theres a car there! Normally get out and give the car a good smacking, so watch out if you park your car in a MOTORCYCLE ONLY parking bay you may come back to find it dented! Most bikers hate it!:angry:


Registered Cider Drinker
Apr 21, 2004
Cider Country
What really gives me road rage is when those inconsiderate bitches with their people carriers and kiddie seats take up those nice big spaces near the supermarket entrance meaning that I have to squeeze out of my door that I can only get half open whilst they get to swing theirs all the way open like they own the place.
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Moulding Generation Z
Jul 19, 2005
I was a passenger in the car (wifey was driving) through the back roads of Sussex near Horsham. We had a prat behind us who suddenly turned into a total nutter, trying to run us into the gutter, overtaking and braking, etc. As I carry an effing great steel crooklock in the front under the passenger seat, I told the wife to pull over, I would leap out and take the twat on, then get ready to move off at short notice. As I got out, this dwarf came out of his car putting on a police hat! Turns out he was a special, and was trying to pull us over because he thought the wife was drunk! As a pro driver (trained by the best the military and old bill can offer) I saw the chance for a little fun....

"Where is your backup, popeye?" I asked him. No radio, came the reply.

"Where is your breath tester?" No breath tester, he says.

"Are you allowed to drive like that in a civilian car". "I consider it an unmarked police car" he says(!)

"Where is your warrant card?" "Here" he says. "Thanks" says me, taking it and pocketing it. Cue red face, apoplectic explosions and threats of arrest. Once I pulled my cards out of my pocket (they carried more weight than his special warrant card anyway!), I told him that he should report to the nearest police station to report the incident, and that I would be reporting him for reckless endangerment, due care and attention, etc, and that as I had completed the driving courses and he had not, he should stand by to find a little chit in his mailbox telling him to sod off and hand in his uniform.

I got a letter of apology from the Chief Constable of Sussex Police, my wife got flowers, I had multiple phonecalls from driving acquaintances as the story had shot round the force pretty quickly, and the PC (Special Needs) had to find something else to do in his spare time. He was just lucky I didn't cave his head in with the crooklock. Or that I wasn't weaponed up at the time, in which case he would have had a couple of choices of holes to breathe through. Anyone can mistake a special copper for a Brazilian plumber, let's be honest....

Dick Knights Mumm

Take me Home Falmer Road
Jul 5, 2003
Hither and Thither
Monkey Man said:
Aggressive driving takes years off your life, either through the added stress of it all or because you eventually flip over the central reservation. Chill in the slow lane at 65mph and leave 10 minutes earlier, put a CD on and enjoy the scenery. Life is much better.

wise words.

Goring Gull

New member
Jul 5, 2003
I once had some heap of a transit try and undercut me on the seafront coming from Worthing approaching Shoreham harbour - - i had to much power for him though and he couldn't get in and nearly piled into a parked car. He was less than impressed so he proceeded to drive in my boot for the rest of the journey and being stuck in traffic i couldn't get away.

He then when had a chance cut me up got out the van and threatened to smash my face in, he broke the wing mirror and stormed off - i jotted down his reg and make and model of the van. Thinking i'd get him back for this - but not knowing how.

Three weeks later roughly i wa sdriving round Worthing and spotted his fcuking van outside a house in Durrington, checked reg and it was definitely the one - kept and eye on it for the next few days and it was definitely kept at this address.

So i collared a couple of mates and one night went round slashed every tyre on it., carved with a knife into the bonnet " thats for teh other week you cvnt and scrathed every panel on it. childish but fcuk it made me feel good

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