Don't wait for me!
The bike obviously. The car didnt know how to drive properly, and was dangerous driving. The cyclist over-reacted a little, I would have just sat in front of the ****.
The bike obviously. The car didnt know how to drive properly, and was dangerous driving. The cyclist over-reacted a little, I would have just sat in front of the ****.
This is the reason I will voted car. I am sick as a pedestrian watching cyclists use the pavement when it suits or do u turns a junctions/traffic lights, ignore red lights and try to run me over when I am half way across a zebra crossing. You never see these little Hitlers filming other cyclists or telling them the errors of their ways. CCTV picks up car driving abuse. I don't agree with the self righteous attitude of those who ignore their own.
Score draw for me. Motorist was an arse for driving in to the "Cycle " section and then roaring off, cyclist was an arse for steaming up to him and sticking his head in the window to mouth off.
Look at the video again.
The driver is responding (badly) to the incredibly selfish behaviour of the cyclist.
The cyclist could and should have remained 2 abreast second in line.
He didn't, he positioned himself in front of the DRIVER, not the car the DRIVER, for no justifiable reason.
What carried on from that point is just 2 penis' being penis'.
I say again, everybody at that junction was happy and properly positioned until selfish cyclist arrived.
Oh and the violence isn't the driver it's his rear passenger.
Some drivers just don't understand that they driving a killing machine. Metal vs Human Flesh there is only one winner. Just before xmas someone pulled right out in front of me. It was too late for me to react and I ended up mounting the kerb. Could have seriously injured me. That driver want be making that same mistake again. It honestly put me off going back on the road for a few weeks. Drivers just don't think of this do they. forgot the bit when someone punched someone.
As I was typing away in the most recent "festival for gays, why isnt there a festival for straights" thread I was thinking it has been a good few weeks since we had one of these threads. I cannot be bothered to read it so can someone tell me how many posts in it took for someone to mention that cyclists do not pay road tax? and how many further posts it took before someone pointed out that we all pay for the roads as it comes from central government. I'll add my bit "No one give a **** about cycling on the pavements/red lights etc etc in Germany" Are we done now as I'd like to move onto the racism thread?
Overpriced, over hyped Craft Beer comes first surely ?
Overpriced, over hyped Craft Beer comes first surely ?
On this theme I have been eyeing up some salted caramel popcorn imperial ale aged in bourbon and rum barrels though.
The cyclist was holding up traffic and didn't even notice the lights turned green?
The light was red when the cyclists stopped, it was red when the car pulled into the cycle box, it was red when the cyclist backed up to the car. The light changes as the cyclist is trying to point out to the driver he is in the cycle box, that car pulls away when the light goes green, the cyclists follow. There was no holding up of the traffic.