Juan Albion
Chicken Sniffer 3rd Class
Very sad. A truly good man, even if I didn't always agree with him. A rare politician.
I still can't quite believe the Trump comment when he implied that the McCain was some sort of coward for being a prisoner of war in Vietnam. If ever a comment illustrated the moral chasm between two politicians then that was it.
For people who still think it is funny, just, status quo-challenging and refreshing to have this disgusting piece of shit as leader of the free world, this clip is not an aberration, it is fundamentally how Trump is.
No worries, it has paved the way for Bernie Sanders 2020 who, along with Corbyn as PM, will lead us into a new era of enlightened politics.
Really? Saunders will be 79 at the time of the next election. That would make him the oldest elected president by 9 years! Has he stated he will consider running in 2019?
I'm no Conservative, but Trump is not fit to tie that blokes shoe laces. One good thing his passing will achieve is to show Republicans how far they have fallen.