Monkey in a seagull suit.
Is Harry Patch still alive...or the bloke who emigrated to Australia many moons ago?
Is Harry Patch still alive...or the bloke who emigrated to Australia many moons ago?
You're right there Doug. My wife was helping to nurse Henry right up to yesterday morning, and she said that several times recently he had expressed his wish to die.I expect it was a relief at the end. Sleep soundly.
It's absolutely shocking if that's true. If it were a member of staff, there should be an investigation into it.
I have his book "KItchener's Last Volunteer" sitting next to my desk here waiting to be read. I haven't managed to get past the first page or so where there is a map of the Battle of Jutland that says it happened in 1926 ! I can well imagine that that would have driven Henry crazy - it suggests a real lack of remembering. How the error happened and then didn't get corrected before going to print I'll never know.