Shropshire Seagull
Well-known member
I'm not expecting a higher income in retirement. So taking it in tax-free drawdown (monthly) now, rather than a lump sum now, means I remain fully invested in the SIPP.Why are you only taking the tax free element? Surely it would be better to leave that for when you have a higher income later in retirement due to the state pension kicking in? Or are you confident that you will not ever go over the higher rate threshold?
Obviously, the future is uncertain, but when I start my State Pension next year I expect to be able to stop my SIPP drawdown.
I'm also hopeful (no chickens being counted) that I may have a legacy that I can stuff into savings and drawdown on that rather than the SIPP, thus avoiding PAYE exposure.
I'm meeting my SIPP (Wealth Management) Advisor next week and I'm keen to hear his advice now that SIPPs are rolled into IHT. I suspect it may also be good to understand what happens in 10 years time when I pass 75 as I think it means the beneficiaries will have to pay tax (twice) on it too. So drip-feeding out the 25% tax-free element rather than lump-sum suits me better.