Perhaps a list of the best countries for the UK to deal with, or countries the UK would like as a partner, would not include the UK. If the survey was about the places for, say, Germany to do business with, the UK might then feature.Best Countries for doing business "
1 ) Japan
2 ) China
3 ) India
4 ) S.Korea
5 ) USA
6 ) Singapore
I dont see the UK in the list.
Most innovative per dollar " ( Rates of innovation to GDP per capita )
1 ) China
2 ) India
3 ) Japan
4 ) S.Korea
5 ) Vietnam
6 ) Pakistan
I dont see the UK in the list.
Most promise as business partners "
( Where would they most like to do more business in the future )
1 ) India
2 ) Pakistan
3 ) Singapore
4 ) Sweden
5 ) New Zealand
6 ) USA
7 ) Germany
8 ) Canada
9 ) Israel
10 ) Ireland
I dont see the UK in the list.