Quite nice up here in W Yorks, sunny and a bit breezy. Looks like the S Coast is going to get quite a soaking if the weather forecast is to be believed!
Shitty pissarse weather.
I should be sitting in the garden reading the paper, before moseying along to the airshow and topping up the tan outside the Red Lion.
Nice here in Malta, haven't seen a cloud since we got here and has been 35 degrees at late night.
It's a hard life.
What's the weather been doing in Brighton then? Were there floods or something? My cricket team's match was cancelled so I know it has been raining, but is it serious? Hope my house is okay.
I'm supposed to be playing cricket this afternoon, I'm hoping it starts to properly piss it down so it gets called off, otherwise it's not going to be any fun. Plus I'm nursing a bit of a hangover.