Okay... I've had time to think about it - and no matter what, I still come to the same conclusion.
Throughout my life and in my own experience, poor grammar (both speech, and written) has been an indicator of lower intelligence. Note - I said in general - and I did not say 'stupid'.
There are exceptions, and always will be - but I'm moderately sure that anyone in recruitment who sees job applications and CV's littered with poor grammar and/or spelling will not be thinking 'Potential M.D. material, right here..'
I am happy to be reasoned with, flamed, or chastised. Fill your boots.
As I may have mentioned, I have Boots, Boots, Boots, Boots, Marchingup and Downagain (that well-known firm of solicitors, bettered only in the overpriced stakes by messers Sue, Grabbit and Runne) on ignore.
Your reply is sufficient info for me to elaborate a response. Yes, yes, you are right.
Add to that, on interview (or first day of final year BSc experimental project) 30 minutes late, bad breath, dirty finger nails and, yes, that pungent tell-tale whiff of three day-old dried hand- shandy juice (don't ask, enough detail there already, I think) and you know you are on to a ****ing loser.