A kind PM from an NSC pal reminded me to update on the biopsies. All 24 of them. Not cancer.
Thanks for the nice messages and offers of support/advice (cheers [MENTION=420]sydney[/MENTION] :thumbsup).
Two other points. First, if things change with the 'calm but steady flow', go immediately to your GP
Second, the NHS will do all the necessary. Members of Joe Public who actually engage over their health are enthusiastically entertained. Don't slink off and fester.
I shall now try to enjoy the last day of the family holiday![]()
Very positive news and I am pleased for you, I hope that is the end of the matter.
Twelve years ago I went through exactly what you have been going through, an increasing PSA reading on each visit to the doctor/hospital, two sets of biopsies all coming back clear and still my PSA readings increased.
My Specialist warned me that despite all the tests and results they could have missed it and when the PSA readings refused to decrease I was given advice to either go for radiotherapy or a prostatectomy.
I decided to have my prostate removed and after the biopsy on the removed prostate they found the cancer in the neck of the removed prostate and not where it is usually found.
I consider myself very lucky that I made the right decision as maybe one month or one year later it may have escaped the prostate and made its way round the rest of my body with the ultimate result.
Instead I am now perfectly healthy and have had a wonderful life this last twelve years. A great retirement and still following the Albion some sixty six years after I started.
So please take my advice and keep an eye on things. Needless to say I don't wish to alarm you but please keep getting checked over.
Yes I had MRI and CT scans but they showed up nothing as well.
that's great news mate .....so you just need a rebore...it's DIY and you can make a game out of it ...![]()
A kind PM from an NSC pal reminded me to update on the biopsies. All 24 of them. Not cancer.
Thanks for the nice messages and offers of support/advice (cheers [MENTION=420]sydney[/MENTION] :thumbsup).
Two other points. First, if things change with the 'calm but steady flow', go immediately to your GP
Second, the NHS will do all the necessary. Members of Joe Public who actually engage over their health are enthusiastically entertained. Don't slink off and fester.
I shall now try to enjoy the last day of the family holiday![]()
A reminder to all NSC males.
Get checked out thoroughly if your weeing habits change e.g. more visits in the night or there are other changes in function. As soon as you notice it, without delay.
My brother, only in his early 60's, was diagnosed with prostate cancer today. Now he has a fight ahead, to live!
Early diagnosis is everything.
I'm terribly sorry to hear of your brother's bad news today mate. I hope he recovers and wins his battle as soon as possible. In these times of the bàstard coronavirus, other illnesses aren't holding off or staying away, my surgery can't get hold of any blood tests at the moment (Roche). Incredibly frustrating not to check up on things. Hopefully soon I'll get a slot. Dreading the winter and all that it brings. Best wishes to you and your family mate. Take care.![]()
A reminder to all NSC males.
Get checked out thoroughly if your weeing habits change e.g. more visits in the night or there are other changes in function. As soon as you notice it, without delay.
My brother, only in his early 60's, was diagnosed with prostate cancer today. Now he has a fight ahead, to live!
Early diagnosis is everything.
A reminder to all NSC males.
Get checked out thoroughly if your weeing habits change e.g. more visits in the night or there are other changes in function. As soon as you notice it, without delay.
My brother, only in his early 60's, was diagnosed with prostate cancer today. Now he has a fight ahead, to live!
Early diagnosis is everything.
...... and to put the mind at some rest for those that do have this form of cancer, as I do, the NHS are doing a superb job managing me and monitoring the impact of it on me. I'm very lucky, mild form, non-aggressive, but still regular check ups, calls and confidence building, cannot fault the service. If in any doubt whatsoever get it checked out, mild embarrassment or finding the problem too late to do anything, shirley an easy choice!