nobody has mentioned that you can put the money into a drawdown fund. you have 2 choices here. you can choose to say take 5k a year. First 25% tax free, rest taxable (note the word taxable not taxed). This has the advantage that as the tax free band is usually raised each year you may pay less tax or none dependent on other income . i have two company pensions which JUST keep me under the current £12500 band so if i start drawing from my personal pension i know this will be taxed but in a few years time it may not.
I’ve mentioned Income Drawdown several times in this thread.
Depending on the type of pension plan, you don’t need to “put” the plan funds anywhere. You just draw from it (units are sold) over and above the 25% tax free lump sum.
Underlying investments and the plan remain the same, albeit with less invested.