$sectors_tbl = new ExternalTable('sectors');
$tmp_sectorSH = $sectors_tbl->findAll("show_on_franchise_id='3'", 'title');
//$sector_SH = array();
foreach ($tmp_sectorSH as $option_SH) {
$sector_SH .= '<li><a href="/?sector='.$option_SH->sector_id.'&investment_amount=&exhibition_id=&keywords=">'.$option_SH->title . '</a></li>';
Trying to do Semaphores coursework in java for uni and failing terriblyWhat scripting is that? (apologies for going o/t)
Is this one of those 'Emporers New Clothes' thing because I get absolutely zilch.
Same here.
FMatrix localToWorldMat = RenderSurface->LocalToWorld();
FVector minXYZWorld = localToWorldMat.TransformFVector(minXYZ);
FVector2D minScreenPosition = TheLocalPlayer->Project(minXYZWorld);
float const minScreenX = (0.5f + (minScreenPosition.X * 0.5f)) * sizeX;
float const minScreenY = (0.5f - (minScreenPosition.Y * 0.5f)) * sizeY;
select a.*, f.*, d1.description as xDEA, d2.description as xGFC , isnull(r.rel_value,'SCI') as partner, isnull(pd.description,'Head Office') as xpartner
from (select isnull(t1.dim_5,'SCI') as subgrant, s.dim3 as project, s.dim4 as SOF, s.dim5 as DEA, sum(s.amount) as amount, sum(s.donor_amount) as donor_da_amount, 0 as pla_amount, 0 as donor_amount
from aagsctrdcur s
left outer join agltransact t1 on (t1.voucher_no = s.dim6 and t1.sequence_no = s.dim7 and t1.client = s.client)
where s.client = 'SC' and t1.voucher_date between '2011-10-01 00:00:00.000' and '2011-12-31 00:00:00.000'
group by t1.dim_5, s.dim3, s.dim4, s.dim5
union all
select isnull(t.subgrant,'SCI') as subgrant, s.dim3 as project, s.dim4 as SOF, s.dim5 as DEA, 0 as amount, 0 as donor_amount, sum(s.pla_amount) as pla_amount, sum(s.donor_da_amount) as donor_da_amount
from aagscdcur s
left outer join (select t.period, t.account, t.dim_1 as costc, t.dim_2 as project, t.dim_3 as SOF, t.dim_4 as DEA
, CASE t.dim_5 WHEN '' THEN 'SCI' ELSE t.dim_5 END as subgrant, sum(t.amount) as amount
from agltransact t group by t.client, t.period, t.account, t.dim_1, t.dim_2, t.dim_3, t.dim_4, t.dim_5) as t
on (t.account = s.dim1 and t.costc = s.dim2 and t.project = s.dim3 and t.SOF = s.dim4 and t.DEA = s.dim5 and t.period = s.period)
where s.client = 'SC'
and s.period between '201110' and '201111'
group by t.subgrant, s.dim3, s.dim4, s.dim5
) as a
left outer join afxdeagf f on (f.dim_value = a.DEA)
left outer join agldimvalue d1 on (d1.client = 'SC' and d1.attribute_id = '2003' and d1.dim_value = a.DEA)
left outer join agldimvalue d2 on (d1.client = 'SC' and d2.attribute_id = '2058' and d2.dim_value = f.gf_category)
left outer join aglrelvalue r on (r.attribute_id = '2004' and r.att_value = a.subgrant and r.rel_attr_id = '2039')
left outer join agldescription pd on (pd.attribute_id = '2039' and pd.dim_value = r.rel_value and pd.client = 'SC')
where a.project = '0500002' and a.SOF = '84000079' and a.DEA <> '00000'
order by d1.description, pd.description