Tyrone Biggums
Well-known member
Lets face it though TB you could find liberal shitlordery at the Tory party conference.Seek and you shall find.
I don't disagree. This moronic movement/mindset is found in many places these days.
Lets face it though TB you could find liberal shitlordery at the Tory party conference.Seek and you shall find.
Another who can't comprehend. This is about shitty storyline writing, not what gender the character is.
Rey the character is shit lazy writing. Just one of multiple examples of shit writing in this movie.
If its all about "misogyny" with Rey's character with the fans then why the **** was Ahsoka Tano so popular then? I'm really looking forward to your explanation on this one. The same fans who don't like the character of Rey loved Ashoka.
Good, but not great would be my verdict. Great opening, the dreadnaught battle was superb. But I'm not quite sure WHY so much was invested in seeking out Luke on that island. Once Rey got there, he did the square route of f-all to help train her in the ways of the Jedi, seemingly more interested in sucking blue milk from an alien cows tits. Whats the point of that ? Luke turned up at the end to provide a bit of a diversion and buy some time for the remaining rebels, but didn't actually bother engaging in a battle and simply submitted to Ren so he could come back later and haunt him, or something.
Luke pretty much went all Hughton on us: "Well we always knew it would be very, very difficult turning up at an abandoned rebel outpost on Crait and getting a result. After surviving an initial assault from the Imperial Walkers we were still very much in the game to be fair, but all credit to Kyro Ren, he always had that bit of extra quality, and thats what told in the end. Of course its always disappointing getting cut in half and then ultimately skewered without putting up so much as a hint of resistance, but I feel we gave a good account of ourselves overall, and we've learned a lot from the experience".
The difference is Rey does it with no training whatsoever. Luke only uses the force after some, and I use the term loosely, training with Obi Wan Kenobi. Even though it’s minimal, Obi-Wan still teaches him about the force and how it can be used meaning the only bit of the force Luke even touches during a New Hope is to give the torpedoes a nudge. Rey uses a Jedi mind trick, pulls a lightsaber towards her (something Luke didn’t manage until Empire which is set 3 years after a New Hope) and uses the force to beat a well trained Kylo Ren without a scratch. HUGE difference between the two.
The little kid at the end with his mop did that with no training. Some people can just do stuff![]()
You are taking this far too seriously. The very first Star Wars, the New Hope, had so many plot holes that it makes this latest Star Wars film look like a John Le Carre novel. The last trilogy of Star Wars films had Jar Jar Binks, an American diner and the worst acting seen for many decade - and all directed by the bloke who actually created Star Wars.
One of your biggest gripes is about how long it takes to train someone to be able to move rocks around just by thinking about it. Apparently, being able to do it without being trained for years by an 800 year old green gremlin is, in your opinion, too ridiculous a storyline.
Most people can do bits of different stuff. One character can just do it all better than everyone else without hardly breaking a sweat.
Very very harsh, sounds like you absolutely despised it
It’s well established in the universe that training to become a Jedi takes years, which is why they start so young. Rey seems to be able to use the force in ways only seen previously through years of training. She’s a Mary Sue, as they say,
saw it last night...bloody excellent.
One of those types of films you don't have to think about. Although My Mrs was convinced that as she had died, the character played by Carrie Fisher was actually a doppelganger !
I assume the next one will be sometime next Christmas?
Nope, not at all. Not everything has to be "the best thing ever" or "the worst thing I've ever seen" - there CAN still be some middle ground, and this is where TLJ lands. I'd give it a solid if unspectacular 71%. Good, but not great.
Next Xmas I think will be the young Han Solo film, final installment of this trilogy Xmas 2019
Luke had a few hours with Obi Wan, then a short period with Yoda. That was it.
Anakin had no training and was able to use the force to win a pod race no other human was capable of.
Luke alludes to Ben Solo's initial ability as nothing he'd seen before, or not power like it as with Rey.
We have only ever seen how 3 characters develop with the force as I previously said. We have no idea how the other Jedi developed or used the force pre-training.
Luke trained for THREE YEARS between a New Hope and Empire. That’s establish as canon through the EU. As for the time he spent training with Yoda, it is unclear. It is at least fair to assume it’s a few days to a week. As for ‘the force’ that Anakin used to win the pod race was reflexes and instinct. All incomparable to be able to use mind tricks and summon a lightsaber...