Lower West Stander
Well-known member
My favourite Tipping Point question:
Ben: Name the only country in the world that begins with the letter 'Q'?
Contestant: Kuwait
Probably a Spike Milligan fan...
My favourite Tipping Point question:
Ben: Name the only country in the world that begins with the letter 'Q'?
Contestant: Kuwait
4pm is hardly daytime tv. I go to work about 4.30am and get home about 3.00 - 3.30 ish. That time is approaching teatime for me. Its time for a cuppa and Minder or Salvage Hunters or Tipping Point or the daily government briefing! I guess if you are not starting work at home until 9.00 - 10.00 then you are probably still working at 4.00pm. I couldn't give a toss about people sitting at home doing nothing on 80% money apart from when they start on about how desperate they are FOR A HOLIDAY!!!
You do if you retired on a decent pension
I have a full military pension and still work so have More than enough thank you..
You logic seems to me a bit flawed to me....retire on a good pension so you can sit watching the tv all afternoonNothing like using a remote control in nice weather to keep active..
Still each to their own.
You do if you retired on a decent pension