I don’t disagree and I’m sure you aren’t blaming the club ...but given I’m on a six day working week sadly football is one of my few escapes ....tbh one of the things I was looking forward to obviously isn’t going to happen and that’s seeing all the people I have got to know, who sit around me ...I’d like to know that they are ok.
Ps masks/face coverings in our seat would be hard to take frankly
I feel similar to you. I’m not really blaming the club, I’m blaming the government for its rules. There’s a part of me that thinks that if we don’t stand up to it, they are going to keep it like this for a very long time, if not forever.
I just think it’s sad that people are willing to except this incredibly worsened version of the football experience because that’s the first bone the government have thrown at us.
I think it would be better if no one went to make the government have a rethink. Over time, if the government don’t change the rules I think that’s what will happen and people will wonder why they started going back in the first place.