My Hair is like his hair
Why have they got two points and not minus eight?

Because the 10 point deduction won't be applied till they exit administration. The only alternative to this is liquidation so it's not exactly a rosy set of choices but it also doesn't make a great deal of sense.
Then tell me how come they have been active in the transfer market, albeit "the loan market!"? And could they possibly stay in administration throughout the season and avoid a ten point penalty. All rather messy, once again!
(in which case KABLAM, goodbye Fratton Park, hello Dogshit Park).
Can I do the joke about a triangle having more points than Portsmouh Please,,,,,,
Do it.
They are one month contracts. The PST and Chanrai have 2 weeks to finalise bids or the administrator chooses one (in which case they exit, cue deduction) or pulls the plug (in which case KABLAM, goodbye Fratton Park, hello Dogshit Park).