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[Football] Poogate: The Movie - coming to Amazon Prime

Chicken Run

Member Since Jul 2003
NSC Patron
Jul 17, 2003
Valley of Hangleton
I haven’t and won’t be watching a doc on a cheating club in a false position. But to confirm, worzel keeps quiet about it being their bus driver in the doc right? But several of their players admit it in the doc? Is that correct? Glad Amazon had the decency to let the truth come out. Still waiting on CPFC2010’s apology though... never happened has it...

No one directly said “It was the bus driver “ , several said “apparently “.

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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2009
Just watched this, well skimmed it to the play off bit, anyway.

Not very well put together, 80% is interviews done last year, the rest just cobbled together, the one thing that was interesting was seeing footage of Holloway kicking off to the Albion Rep in the corridor regarding the state of the toilets!

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Did you notice there was no Charlie Oatway in sight.? I know you don't exactly see Holloway walk out of the door, but even just seeing Oatway in the background (which if Holloway is telling the truth he must be somewhere in that corridor) would put Oatways claim that he was in a meeting with Poyet into serious doubt.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2012
I haven’t and won’t be watching a doc on a cheating club in a false position. But to confirm, worzel keeps quiet about it being their bus driver in the doc right? But several of their players admit it in the doc? Is that correct? Glad Amazon had the decency to let the truth come out. Still waiting on CPFC2010’s apology though... never happened has it...

Not watched it either, I was commenting based on the JOE interview, Wilbrahim article and what others have said.


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2011
I have watched it. Now it's all done and dusted, I didn't mind reliving the playoffs.
It's a pretty good documentary. Always good to watch Muzza talk/play.

It was also very interesting just how clueless Parish is/was.

He said something about holding back on transfers because " The club had just come out of administration, and it would be reckless to spend" and then when they were losing and Dougie moans about not getting his targets, PArish agrees to splash the cash :ffsparr:

Sounds familiar, doesn't it.

I'm looking forward to series 2 - "When Eagles go back into administration"

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