Portsmouth, for the time being at least, deserve our support and respect. Not mockery.
Simply absolute rubbish as others have pointed out. Lets save any respect for 12 months time.......
Portsmouth, for the time being at least, deserve our support and respect. Not mockery.
The behaviour of the majority of their neanderthal fans at the Amex - with the non-stop, incessant homophobic abuse and gloating renditions of "F-ALL, YOU'VE NEVER WON F-ALL" (despite the fact their grubby football club cheated its way to 2 Cup Finals and 8 years in the Prem) means that forever more, Portsmouth FC, its players, fans, sponsors, affiliates, and Fred cuffing Dinage can all DO ONE.
Dispicable arsewipe of a club with a hefty number of CJTC's as fans.
Oh yes agree with every word ,they deserve naff all
Portsmouth, for the time being at least, deserve our support and respect. Not mockery.
Haha I find it the complete other way round, saints fans are annoying but Pompey are much much worse.Having lived between the two clubs and among both Pompey and Saints fan for many years I would take Pompey all day long. Can't stand Southampton or their fans.