Loaded question, but probaby an unfair one. Clearly Nurses/NHS staff should have a decent thank you payrise (min 5%?) in recognition of the extrordinary pressure they've been under. However, where is the benefit in killing Furlough to do that? Whilst you may not feel the love for your local coffee maker, allowing mass redundancies at such an economically wobbly time would have a shocking long term impact and delay any recovery; i.e we've come this far so let's not blow the support at the crucial stage.
I agree that Nurses and co are 'more deserving' as such, but if you've not had the chance to work and have stayed at home to do the right thing; why should you be the sacrificial lamb? Frankly we can afford to do both, although less so when we've spanked 22 billion+ on and outsourced cronyism test and trace joke system.
As such I'd reframe your question; are your taxes better spent on a decent payrise for nurses or throwing good money after bad to Dido Harding and co?
Loaded question, but probaby an unfair one. Clearly Nurses/NHS staff should have a decent thank you payrise (min 5%?) in recognition of the extrordinary pressure they've been under.
wrong question, ignoring many complexities. real question is if there's 7% increase in healthcare funding (which there is), why is only 1% on wages everyone agrees should be more. where does the health budget get spent?
I'd love a decent coffee mid-shit.
That barista deserves a pay rise.