Sanity Clause
- May 5, 2008
- 28,370
Here’s just one quick question, if Russian influence is so obvious in our elections how come there is not a Communist, rabid anti Semite in number 10?
Let’s get going.
Baker lite showing himself up for how "lite " he is on Russia among many other things !
In a nutshell, Putin does not want a communist government in the UK, He doesn't even want a communist government in Russia or haven't you noticed that Putin isn't even a Communist !
What Putin wants is to break up political and military alliances and weaken any united front in the West. Lots of little breakdowns in trust and division is where he gets his wins. It makes him look strong while we look idiots. Hence, I would expect he would have meddled in the Scottish independence referendum as this would divide the UK, meddled in the US elections in order to get Trump elected as Putin can play Trump like a fiddle. Yes, how clever would it be to start the break up of the EU too by getting one of the biggest members to leave and cause a massive erosion of unity and sow division and confusion ?
The Russians have looked at British politics and concluded they couldn't back Socialist Labour under Corbyn, he'd be far too fair minded and " For The Many, Not The Few " and not easily corruptible but who is that on the other side of the House ? A Tory party that runs on Bungs, Peerages and Donations that are now led by someone who does not work weekends, hates meetings and can't be arsed to read reports or make decisions... ah, Boris ! Yes, lets see what we can do about Boris and his " Get Brexit Done " ..
Of course, if Putin needs to expand in to Western Ukraine now or grab those annoying little Baltic States on his back doorstep will Trump/Johnson actually have the leadership skills to act and act decisively ? Of course not, we have two narcissist twats in charge of the not so "Special Relationship " now.
So, Get On Your Way.