The Clamp
Well-known member
I’d like her to stay. She’s doing a bloody terrific job of keeping us in the EU.
The nicest PM in history but also out of her depth with the impossible job of Brexshit.
Now not happening tonight.
The majority of Conservative MPs should all resign given their dis-loyalty to their political party
ho hum wrong numbers.
So nice. Do you remember when she voted to scrap the human rights act? Such a bloody lovely woman.
When she said today how the Tory Government were putting more funding in to education than ever before Mrs V was starting the first stages of her sacking from her teaching post, not because she is rubbish, but because the school budget has been cut year on year. She is being targeted because of her experience equals a higher pay grade than the school can now afford. So along with numerous TA's and ECAR and ECH specialist interventions and support who have gone already, they are moving on to the teachers now.
Sadly a good teachers pension will not come close to the value of a ****ing shambolic,lying and heartless Prime Minister's pension.
Good riddance.
You should read The Secret Barrister. Her and Grayling basically changed the law so that it’s almost impossible to get compensation if you’re acquitted of a crime on appeal even if you’ve spent years wrongly imprisoned. Lovely woman.
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I made a 'thought-aloud' balls-up and I apologise to anyone that has been hurt by her decisions in power. I have never trolled or sh1t stirred on here in ten years and never look for arguments. My comment was naìve to say the least.
That's the last I will say on the matter. Sorry to anyone that was annoyed by my post.
The Tories won’t care, [MENTION=11928]vegster[/MENTION]. They send their kids to public schools, they couldn’t give a toss about the peasants in state schools. Same with the NHS, let those who can’t afford private healthcare, lay on trolleys for 18 hours. It doesn’t matter to them.
David Cameron tweet
Britain faces a simple and inescapable choice - stability and strong Government with me, or chaos with Ed Miliband:
How true. Those born to privilege will never understand how bloody hard it is at the bottom, they seem to think we choose to be here because were lazy. Even the UN have now accused the government of creating a virtual Victorian workhouse to put the poor in.
I honestly despair, I can feel the very bedrock of our society crumbling beneath my feet. Bricks will be flying through Town Hall windows soon if something isn't done to alleviate the growing inequality in this country. They may have the money, but we have the numbers and that is the only thing thing that scares them (and me).