I have just commenced a project to migrate NSC from vBulletin 4, our current home and where we've been for almost forever, to Xenforo - https://xenforo.com
vBulletin 4 is an old and, effectively, now an unsupported platform, whilst Xenforo is modern, feature rich and, importantly, well-supported forum software.
All being well, the live switchover will take place mid-January, and I'll advise on a specific date in the New Year.
In the near-term, it won't make a huge amount of difference in terms of the way you use and access NSC, other than mobile usage. When the migration takes place, Tapatalk will be removed from NSC. One of Xenforo's advantages is that it is offers a considerably better native mobile experience via a browser, and we will be taking advantage of that.
When we migrate you will need to login to NSC again and, experience tells me, a lot of people will come unstuck here, due to one of the following, if not both:
- No longer having access to the email address registered with NSC, preventing password reminders/resets from being received.
- Not knowing their NSC password due to staying parma-logged in.
Please help me help you by resolving these as soon as you can, ie over the next few weeks, and not waiting for the migration to happen and finding you are locked out of NSC requiring my help. Simply, if I get inundated with hundreds of requests for email address/password reset issues all at the same time, it will take me a while to go through them.
So, please go here: https://nortr3nixy.nimpr.uk/profile.php?do=editpassword, and:
- Make sure the email address stored is one you have access to (you will not receive any emails from NSC unless you ask for them)
- Make sure you know what your password is
If you hit any snags, email me - help@northstandchat.com - and I'll help out.
vBulletin 4 is an old and, effectively, now an unsupported platform, whilst Xenforo is modern, feature rich and, importantly, well-supported forum software.
All being well, the live switchover will take place mid-January, and I'll advise on a specific date in the New Year.
In the near-term, it won't make a huge amount of difference in terms of the way you use and access NSC, other than mobile usage. When the migration takes place, Tapatalk will be removed from NSC. One of Xenforo's advantages is that it is offers a considerably better native mobile experience via a browser, and we will be taking advantage of that.
When we migrate you will need to login to NSC again and, experience tells me, a lot of people will come unstuck here, due to one of the following, if not both:
- No longer having access to the email address registered with NSC, preventing password reminders/resets from being received.
- Not knowing their NSC password due to staying parma-logged in.
Please help me help you by resolving these as soon as you can, ie over the next few weeks, and not waiting for the migration to happen and finding you are locked out of NSC requiring my help. Simply, if I get inundated with hundreds of requests for email address/password reset issues all at the same time, it will take me a while to go through them.
So, please go here: https://nortr3nixy.nimpr.uk/profile.php?do=editpassword, and:
- Make sure the email address stored is one you have access to (you will not receive any emails from NSC unless you ask for them)
- Make sure you know what your password is
If you hit any snags, email me - help@northstandchat.com - and I'll help out.