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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
La Rochelle
done me best hope the pm shift can keep it up

Had very little spare time today....saw your scores this morning.....very impressive...!
Am going on for a while now....we,re nearly 3 million behind, but it can be done.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
La Rochelle
A while since anything posted on here...!!

This week we qualified for Europe (again) with a good squad of players.(great to see you back "nsc" ). Our first round in Europe is against Guimares, and at present we,re ahead. However, at least a couple of Rangers players (ali and the little shit AND) are playing for Halmstadts. This is in retaliation for losing in the league this week to Burnley. Why Brighton are singled out I,m not quite sure, as I was busy all week knocking up 36 million points for Brighton..!
As some of you know, I play for the Alliance (a collection of small clubs) in Europe, to hopefully, combat the Germans (who AND also plays for).
It appears that Rangers are so upset that they lost their title this week, they are determined to ruin it for anyone connected wiith the Alliance.
I shall play for Brighton this week until we are out of Europe, but so that you are not all tarnished with the same brush as me, I will not be playing for Brighton in the league for a while. I wish you all luck, and have enjoyed your company and spirit in this game.
In the next few weeks, I shall play for any team that has the chance of beating Rangers, and if anyone else feels the same about their pathetic players, please feel free to join me.
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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
La Rochelle
Well.....what a surprise...LOL..!

Rangers/ Halmstatd win the tie........with little Halmstatd scoring 3 million points in the last half hour....!
A message from one of the Rangers/ Halmstatd players."f*** you Brighton"...............nice....LOL...!!


New member
Jan 19, 2008
Ok, so here I am.

It would be useful if you could get some of your Ferry buddies to contribute to this as well.

So the opening premise is:

Ferry interference is killing the game for the UK Clubs - Discuss...

I'm sure the Ferry was a good idea at the time. I'd like to know for starters if it was formed before Rangers emerged as a force in the UK League or as a response to Rangers..?

We all know the Jerries and the French have Europe sewn up between them, but to be fair to them they have worked very hard to build massive teams and deserve their success.

Yes, we also know that sometimes they Club together to help each other out - or at least the Jerries do. But they also can be beaten, as Rangers have demonstrated with SGE and Asse. We would also have beaten Atletico Madrid at least once were it not for Ferry interference.

It must be obvious to everyone in the Ferry now that Rangers are not going to curl up and die. You will have to find a way to live alongside us or we can just knock seven bells out of each other while the rest of Europe looks on and laughs - or more likely doesn't notice at all.

One thing is for sure, we'll get nowhere if you continue to ambush us in the League - everybody loses if this continues..


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
La Rochelle
Hello there mas

Just for the benefit of all the other Brighton players (on PFYC) who will have little knowledge of the problems going on in the league and Euro Cup;.........

1) I belong to an Alliance (the Ferry), which is a collection of UK players.

2) The Ferry was formed before Rangers run of success

3) The aim of the Ferry is to occaisionally unite in the Euro Cup to compete with the very strong German (and occiasional French alliances).

4) There has been belief from the Ferry alliance that Rangers (who have expressed their dislike of our group through their player "AND" on the German messageboards) have played against us "just for spite".

5) There has been belief from the Rangers players that the Ferry alliance have played against Rangers in Europe, "just for spite".

6) The Ferry alliance has played against Rangers in the league ( I know...I was part of it the week Hull won the title...! )

7) Rangers have played against the Ferry Alliance in Europe.

8) Everybody is unhappy....LOL..!

9) Everybody (hopefully) wishes to see an end to hostilities.

10) I ask Brighton PFYC players to give "mas" the curtesy he deserves for trying to resolve these difficulties.

11) In response, I have joined Rangers messageboard , Follow-follow.

For the sake of diplomacy, I will ignore "mas,s" opening premise..."Ferry intervention is killing the game for UK clubs.....discuss".....

Seems a relatively simple way forward, which as I understand, is already underway, and that is to create a private forum for the use of the Ferry Alliance and Rangers, so misunderstandings, miis-conceptions and difficulties can be dealt with quickly and in an open manner between us.
I have more to say of course...(hopefully positive)..........but the past is history. To re-ignite interest from Brighton players , and indeed ALL UK teams, a concilliatory approach is needed.
Although , Brighton as a PFYC team, has diminshed in numbers, I would appreciate any questions or input from them.

Please though.........curtesy to "mas" and Rangers.


New member
Jan 19, 2008
Just for the benefit of all the other Brighton players (on PFYC) who will have little knowledge of the problems going on in the league and Euro Cup;.........

1) I belong to an Alliance (the Ferry), which is a collection of UK players.
Why don't you mention the Belgians and the other foreign members who also form part of the Ferry Alliance..?

For the sake of diplomacy, I will ignore "mas,s" opening premise..."Ferry intervention is killing the game for UK clubs.....discuss".....
Ferry intervene to help other Clubs, namely Sheffield Wednesday and Burnley, to win the UK League. This gives Weds and Burnley the false belief that they have done what they have to do to become a force in the UK League. However when things return to 'normal' the next week - i.e no Ferry intervention - these teams can easily become disillusioned and demoralised and participation in their teams quickly drops off. That's not good for them, it's not good for the game.

Not only that but the bad feeling engendered between teams because of 'shady practices' undermines any natural goodwill which would naturally occur between British teams in Europe.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
La Rochelle
Why don't you mention the Belgians and the other foreign members who also form part of the Ferry Alliance..?

Ferry intervene to help other Clubs, namely Sheffield Wednesday and Burnley, to win the UK League. This gives Weds and Burnley the false belief that they have done what they have to do to become a force in the UK League. However when things return to 'normal' the next week - i.e no Ferry intervention - these teams can easily become disillusioned and demoralised and participation in their teams quickly drops off. That's not good for them, it's not good for the game.

Not only that but the bad feeling engendered between teams because of 'shady practices' undermines any natural goodwill which would naturally occur between British teams in Europe.

Good morning "mas",

It appears that your leader "AND" has spurned the chance of joining a new forum..(and as usual added his normal insults), so for the present, little point in continuing. I really can,t be bothered with all the false accusations etc etc, I have better things to do.
Although I,m disappointed in your diplomatic skills, you have at least tried.......thankyou for that.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
La Rochelle
Hi Alan, (apn),

Got your message. I appreciate you can ..( and have done in the past) hit 50 million points on your own, but as you can see, Rangers are just going to knock us out of Europe everytime. Unfortunately, we are just a small club.....not like the mighty Rangers.
Our football culture (supporting Brighton) has taught us to get used to defeats, and just wait for the next game....LOL. Rangers football culture however, belonging to a two team league, is to take every defeat in the domestic league as a national disaster..........and defeats bring much wailing and anger. Just the way it is........LOL.

PS; The Alliance I belong to is always open to new and trusted players. Our aim is to occasionally group together and have a go in Europe. The domestic league has little interest us as an Alliance.............apart from one game last year for Hull. Sheffield Wednesday and Burnley won their titles on their own merits, but of course these are just one-offs against the mighty and all powerful Rangers............we really aren,t good enough to clean the shit off their shoes...........(or so they think..! )
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New member
Jan 19, 2008
Good morning "mas",

It appears that your leader "AND" has spurned the chance of joining a new forum..(and as usual added his normal insults), so for the present, little point in continuing. I really can,t be bothered with all the false accusations etc etc, I have better things to do.
Although I,m disappointed in your diplomatic skills, you have at least tried.......thankyou for that.
OK, I didn't realise this dialogue was contingent on AND joining in. Even the longest journeys start with the first step and all that...

I'm not sure whether you're saying I'm making the false accusations but I am aware that there are definitely Belgians and others in your alliance. What you said above seemed to imply that yours was an only British alliance. I thought it was important that everybody should be aware of the background so we could deal with it and move forward.

I'm surprised you find my diplomacy skills lacking on the basis that as far as I am aware I haven't said anything contentious or inflammatory.

Finally on AND, he is well respected amongst our players and his opinion certainly carries weight, but this is not a dictatorship and his is not the only opinion or the final say. We could never have built such a strong team without having a lot of respect and admiration for each other viewpoints.

We don't ride roughshod over each other, that's not the Rangers way....


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
La Rochelle
OK, I didn't realise this dialogue was contingent on AND joining in. Even the longest journeys start with the first step and all that...

I'm not sure whether you're saying I'm making the false accusations but I am aware that there are definitely Belgians and others in your alliance. What you said above seemed to imply that yours was an only British alliance. I thought it was important that everybody should be aware of the background so we could deal with it and move forward.

I'm surprised you find my diplomacy skills lacking on the basis that as far as I am aware I haven't said anything contentious or inflammatory.

Finally on AND, he is well respected amongst our players and his opinion certainly carries weight, but this is not a dictatorship and his is not the only opinion or the final say. We could never have built such a strong team without having a lot of respect and admiration for each other viewpoints.

We don't ride roughshod over each other, that's not the Rangers way....

Indeed mas, even the longest journeys start on the first step, but when you trip up on the first one..."Ferry interference is killing the game for UK clubs....discuss", it shows you are not ready for sensible dialogue.
You are right, the Alliance does not consist solely of UK players. Pleased you refer to other members of our Alliance as Belgians, rather than your player "AND" who referred to them as............ "all Belgians are Paedos" on the shouts board.....( I was very surprised that he wasn,t removed from the game after that). You may well have respect for "AND"....(although I,m surprised), I,m afraid that respect is not matched by me. Indeed, he is very much at the forefront of problems between Rangers and the Alliance.I hope you wll excuse me, but work beckons, and I,m sure you need to get on the game to grind out the inevitable title victory that your team demands.
If I ever manage to find where the PFYC thread is on Follow-Follow, I will post on there.........but assure you that I will not make the mistake of making accusatoins on your board..............very bad form.


New member
Oct 12, 2007

CJD I've asked you before to not comment on me and my team but you continue to do so.

Your distortion of the facts continues to amaze me, even when it's the previous post.

You'be been running around accusing me of all sorts the last couple of weeks, I have no ego to dent and I dont really care what anyone thinks of me. I am what I am, I do not pretend to be anything else, I also am big enough to own up when I do something so I'm telling you once and for all I had nothing to do with Brighton in Europe. Just like I had nothing to do with SGE beating Hull, are Frankfurt not one of the biggest teams in the game and have a player called AND. But then why let facts get in your way CJD.

Next up you and Ian seem to have appointed themselves to the National Offended board of Belgium, here you misquote me again, I certainly did not say all Belgians are paedos. There was numerous shouts at us by Belgians, Ferry members and even Celtic fans.

Link to the thread were it was dragged up well after the fact, interesting enough no further reply from the Belgians themselves. They would not want to post the rest of the shouts like I stated.

And lastly I have not spurned the chance to join the new forum, I've merely been holding out for some answers, so yet again you accuse/misquote me.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
La Rochelle
CJD I've asked you before to not comment on me and my team but you continue to do so.

I have no ego to dent and I dont really care what anyone thinks of me.[/url]

Oh........I really think you do....LOL..!

On this board (Brighton,s), I,ll say as I please, thankyou, and I,ll take no lectures seriously, from the likes of you.


New member
Jan 21, 2008
You and YOUR team eh spunky! Do you realise how pathetic that sounds?

I saw what was going on here and thought I would add to it with some honest answers as always!

First an foremost, I thought I would put on the record that I DID NOT score any points whatsoever for Burnley! I arent going to lie and pretend that I wouldnt have helped them over the finish line if they needed it but they seemed to do just fine without anyones help! If they did receive help, I dont know where it came from!

Now I will justify why I would have helped Burnley over the finish line if they needed it! It is comments exactly like spunky has just made "ME AND MY TEAM" also I remember him saying the week Sheff Wed won the league that their "captain" should know who his big hitters are and he should know who is playing for his team!

No-one is a captain, no one is in charge! No one picks a team and no one has a god given right to win the title every week without challenge! Also, NO ONE can stop people playing for other teams!

You (Rangers) seem to believe that everyone who plays for a club should be a die hard season ticket holder of that club! This would not make the game fair! Lets face it, Rangers fan base is 100 times bigger than that of Grimsby and therefore Grimsby do not really stand a chance! Why should Rangers win every week because they have the bigger fan base?

It is about time that you started treating PFYC for what it is............A GAME!

You seem to think that we are out to get Rangers! How many different people do you need telling you that we arent? I promise you, if we were you would seriously know about it! I remind you back to the last time Hull won the league title! We are stronger now and I dare say 1 Billion is not out of reach! We can show you this if you want just to prove what happens when we get involved in the UK League? You choose?

I cant be bothered to keep telling you this Spunky! If it is YOUR team and people play for YOU maybe it is time for these people to think for themselves? You take the game far far too seriously!

Take defeat like a man and accept that a team outscored Rangers! Whether those playes live in Burnley or live in Australia it doesnt really matter! You are trying to change a game which was around 2 years before you decided to start playing!

I cant really say anything else as we have been here so many times before!

Why wont you listen?


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
La Rochelle
Welcome to Northstandchat "Tigers999",

You echo much of my thoughts...........and thankyou for your support.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Border country.East Preston.
The only important question that should be asked now that we have Rangers ear is whether they consider themselves as Rangers,British ,Scottish or anti English on fridays? Only when we get an answer that represents the majority can we move on.

Also, do Rangers think they'll ever get anywhere in Europe?

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