I have a quick question.... Is this Peppa at the hungry years a scary spanish woman ? If so i was barred too ... standing on a chair i think !
Scary? Yes.

I have a quick question.... Is this Peppa at the hungry years a scary spanish woman ? If so i was barred too ... standing on a chair i think !
I’m talking about 1970s, I’m sure it was blue and white, maybe my memory is going![]()
Ha, we're the same age as I also left school [Longhill] in 1976 - the long hot summer ....
Never went in the "Years" I was more a [oh what was it called before Busby's - on the sea-front [not Jenkinsons] but part of the Top Rank [not the Suite either]
Happy days and marvellous scenes
I used to go there most Sunday lunchtimes as Dad used to playt in a jazz band there and it was just the upstairs single unit.
Fortune of War
I Remember them well !,
Think it was sunday nights for us
3 piece band , pianist wore glasses , got any photos ?
I can only remember Woodbine playing there, with Stu Parks (?) who was/is also a taxi driver?
We used to go and watch Woodbine @ the White Horse in Steyning around '90/91, then in 93 Stu got T Bones back together and they did a 30th anniversary gig @ the Concorde. I still have my ticket.
I saw Stu play with Bob Brookes and Dave ( Borderline) one Sunday afternoon at the Duke about 2 years ago, Stu was still on top form. Sadly he'd not been too well this last year or so and he died in June. Nearly 60 years of gigging.
I can remember No 6 buses being red![]()
Nothing wrong with your memory then!
Aww...that's sad to hear - he was such a cool guy. He always put me in mind of Jon Lord.
Top band, Woodbine, were.
That’s what took my attention too. I had my 18th birthday do there, and then almost everyone else in my class at BHSVIC did too. 1983. Makes me feel old!
Thursday night, free room hire as long as you had plenty there to drink the beer.
There's a YELLOW Cortina in the very first picture!
I have a photo somewhere taken from that hot summer of 1976 of some of the lads outside the Bosun one Saturday or Sunday afternoon. The photo was given to me only a few years ago. If I can find it, big if, I will post it. I can only remember half the names from the faces of that photo. Old age I suppose.