The Birdman
New member
then what did he do with it ??
Stuffed it
then what did he do with it ??
A vast majority are ex-caged birds that have been missed. Birds that survive the shoot have little sense and no parenting in the wild, and sometimes will even return to the release pen areas to be sent up for shooting another time. Others make it into the woods and become victims of foxes and other predators (and vehicles). Some get shot by rough shooters (wild game shooters) for the pot. After the foot and mouth epidemic in 2001 most pheasant shooting was stopped for 12 months or so. Friends who are pheasant shooters told me that when they went back to shooting after the outbreak the birds that had survived in the wild had become much, much harder to shoot as they had become accomplished fliers, were no longer fattened up, and consequently much faster in the air.
and there was me thinking a corvid was porno on vhs