Hampster Gull
Well-known member
- Dec 22, 2010
- 13,465
Bozo the Clown
I don’t want him replaced by anyone. He will either be defeated in the next election or he will win and thus be able to demonstrate how unpatriotic, economically illiterate and terrorist loving he really is. Either way, we won’t have to put up with him for long.
Not sure the Corbyn supporters and apologists have quite realised they in their own small way are complicit in finishing off the Labour party as a serious political force. Expect there will be a split/fracture at some point as the moderate decent MP's jump ship. Obviously the far left will be blaming the 'Tory press', big business, capitalist system when it inevitably goes tits up.
I see what you mean, the largest political party in Western Europe, by membership, running at 570,000 members, obviously, about to fold, it’s a shame the membership keeps growing.
There were over 5 million members of the Nazi party in 1939 , largest in western Europe. Not sure what size of party membership has to do with the point I was making,
Come, come, comparisons with the Communist Party in Russia, or China would have been more in keeping with the general hysteria of this ( and other) anti Labour/ Corbyn thrwads on here, but, the Nazi Party, thats a touch overplayed even for a right wing swivel eyed loony like yourself.
Just pointing out the size of membership doesn't add validity to a political point of view. Anti Corbyn/far left = pro-Labour which you will eventually understand. Hardcore Tories and the far right probably warmly applaud your complicity in destroying a once proud left of centre party.![]()
Its been many years since Labour was left of centre, certainly before light blue Blair, and probably before the consensus politics of Wilson and Callaghan.
After Labours showing in the last election, a much improved and unexpected (by some,) performance, there is a thirst in this country for radical left wing policies, hence a large influx of new members, who want to be a part of a political party that is not just mantaining the status quo, of the rich getting richer.
Lots of people on Twitter who were members of the Labour party, leaving, because of Corbyn's attitude to Brexit and the way Owen Smith has been treated.
It should be the easiest job in the world being the opposition leader, at the moment. The Tories are scoring so many home goals.
Do you think that P.Kyle, Starmer, Harman, Del Piero, Bassam, Lepper, E.Milliband, A.Darling want to maintain a (your view) rich get richer nation?
I don’t think so.
They’re pragmatists who realised that we need a successful capitalist system, to drive the taxes to pay for the public sector.
Corbyn & McDonnell loath their views, so one by one they’re being squeezed out of a party that was meant to be a “broad church”.
A party that preaches it is for the many, but reducing its own politicians to the few who kowtow to their ideologies.
Eventually it will back fire. Pandering to the views of the know-it-all angry youth and the bitter hard left, excludes the hopes of middle England. The UK will never tolerate hard politics whether it be left or right. They can bully moderates such as Kyle within the party, but not the nation.