mejonaNO12 aka riskit
Well-known member
Dove me do
Let tit be
Let tit be
Snipes of Peace?Dove me do
Let tit be
Rickkkkaaaaayyyy?!Proppa classy
You can take the lad out of Seaford but .........Rickkkkaaaaayyyy?!
Used to use that shop mid 80s, a Timothy Lumsden type of bloke used to run the record “department” while his mother used the other half of the shop for knitting and haberdashery.This thread has sent me on a bit of a nostalgia trip. There was a bookshop/record shop in Lewes Road in the 70s called Plus One Books, just along from Eddowns and the Lewes Road Inn. I bought a copy of Wings Over America there which had great versions of both tracks. Couldn't choose a favourite.