The Albion Roar
It's not the fines
It's the car park/ meter charges -£6 per hour!!
Could you give a specific example of £6.00 an hour car park charges as run by Brighton & Hove City Council? Thanks.
It's not the fines
It's the car park/ meter charges -£6 per hour!!
More cycle lanes no doubt.
Could you give a specific example of £6.00 an hour car park charges as run by Brighton & Hove City Council? Thanks.
I read that Brighton has the highest income from parking charges in the UK outside of London nearly £19m but it is ok because they are going to use it to offset OAP Bus passes. The RAC are up in arms saying that it is not permitted to use parking to raise money to be used in other areas. Any views either for or against?
Ban oap's from buses! and spoons!
Both would go broke as it is the oap that keep them going.
Actually, it's the council that keeps the buses going because oaps don't have to pay anything. And it's not just oaps. You don't have to be an oap to get a free pass - men get them at the equivalent female retirement age. So we have a situation where blokes still at work can park up somewhere for free (usually in a nice residential street) and get a free lift in to work on the bus. I know a lot of people who use local free car parks, or free on street parking, and bus into brighton for free, and still get back to their cars within the relevant time limit.
So really, the rules on bus pass qualification need reviewing, and the cost of parking in Brighton needs reviewing. Perhaps it's all part of the council's campaign to rid Brighton of locals and import people from London who are happy to pay inflated prices for our houses and parking their 4x4s.
Parking and car travel around town is just a joke. Gradually parking controls are going in ever increasing circles from the centre - soon noone will be able to park outside their houses without a permit/QUOTE]
I am not sure that is correct at least not in West or Mid Sussex as sister in law retired ag 60 but had to wait until she was 62 to get her pass but her husband has to wait to 65. Other people who are eligible are those not able to obtain a driving licence like disabled medical or mental. My point is that if it wasnt for free passes on most buses excluding city centres perhaps the buses would be nearly empty.
More cycle lanes no doubt.
For info - it will have depended on his dob. There is a calculator on the gov website as retirement dates for men and women have been changed so much in the past few years. However, because of equality rules, they had to reduce the qualification age for men down to the equivalent age for women. The qualification rules are the same nationwide, although different councils have different rules when the passes may be used.I am not sure that is correct at least not in West or Mid Sussex as sister in law retired ag 60 but had to wait until she was 62 to get her pass but her husband has to wait to 65. Other people who are eligible are those not able to obtain a driving licence like disabled medical or mental. My point is that if it wasnt for free passes on most buses excluding city centres perhaps the buses would be nearly empty.
Before the 2015 Council elections :
This shows the cynical anti-car and anti-business agenda of the Green party and a complete disregard for the citizens of Brighton.
After the 2015 council elections:
This shows the result of good, efficient, management of council revenue streams in order to benefit the businesses and people of Brighton.
It all depends on your prejudices.
For info - it will have depended on his dob. There is a calculator on the gov website as retirement dates for men and women have been changed so much in the past few years. However, because of equality rules, they had to reduce the qualification age for men down to the equivalent age for women. The qualification rules are the same nationwide, although different councils have different rules when the passes may be used.
That is not correct as I have checked with both brother and sister in law and what I have said is correct and West Sussex Council say she has to wait until; she reaches 62 and him until he reaches 65. Nothing whatsoever to do with their jobs as she worked in a nursing home and he worked at Beechams.