Dick Knights Mumm
Take me Home Falmer Road
Just apply a little common sense. Perhaps there was a better place to park - but a short visit to practice parking should not result in a penalty notice.
, but if you wilfully misuse a car park.
did i miss something where they said there was a twenty minute grace period? If that is the case then yes, of course it should be contested- but I have just re read the OP and nowhere is a grace period mentioned. That being the case have you just plucked a twenty minute grace period out of the air? in which case why 20 and not 30?
Brighton station has a drop of point and you get however many minutes, but perhaps they were not in the drop of place-but the short or long stay car park.
Car Parking charges are a pain in the neck- we all know it, but if you wilfully misuse a car park,( driving around practising driving manoeuvres isn't using the car park properly) and don't pay the fee why come on here complaining when you get found out.
its a railway carpark, not a scam. wtf should you not have to pay to use a legitimate carpark. All they had to do was pay the appropriate parking fee when they should have. its not like it was a bit of waste ground with a tiny little notice hidden away somewhere. Railway carparks have big **** off signs at the entrance, exits, and throughout saying what is and isnt allowed.
Dont like the car park rules- go somewhere else to practice parking- which they in all probability shouldnt have been doing in the car park in the first place
its a railway carpark, not a scam. wtf should you not have to pay to use a legitimate carpark. All they had to do was pay the appropriate parking fee when they should have. its not like it was a bit of waste ground with a tiny little notice hidden away somewhere. Railway carparks have big **** off signs at the entrance, exits, and throughout saying what is and isnt allowed.
Dont like the car park rules- go somewhere else to practice parking- which they in all probability shouldnt have been doing in the car park in the first place
its a railway carpark, not a scam. wtf should you not have to pay to use a legitimate carpark. All they had to do was pay the appropriate parking fee when they should have. its not like it was a bit of waste ground with a tiny little notice hidden away somewhere. Railway carparks have big **** off signs at the entrance, exits, and throughout saying what is and isnt allowed.
Dont like the car park rules- go somewhere else to practice parking- which they in all probability shouldnt have been doing in the car park in the first place
Not offence intended but, to me, you are coming across as a bit of a jobsworth![]()
I tend to agree. Car parks are not meant to practice parking manoeuvres
You can get hold of some bollards and do that anywhere , I don’t like the idea of L plate drivers practicing reverse parking next to expensive card that are paid for to be in that car park for safe keeping.
Completely off topic but that's quite a lot of bollards to mark out a whole parking space. And what about going over the lines (or, in your case flattening bollards) when parking, which I'm given to believe is quite common on a forward bay park and wouldn't fail a test. I would have thought a car park is the perfect place to practice parking (a free one !) just like letting them drive on normal roads where there are also expensive cars is the perfect place to learn to drive.
I thought that was how everyone learnt![]()
When 'consumer champions' in national newspapers don't give the kind of advice that you've mentioned there regarding these spurious parking charges, it's hardly surprising that an average schmo like me isn't all over it...
Good to know now though, so thanks for the info![]()
I tend to agree. Car parks are not meant to practice parking manoeuvres
You can get hold of some bollards and do that anywhere , I don’t like the idea of L plate drivers practicing reverse parking next to expensive card that are paid for to be in that car park for safe keeping.
Completely off topic but that's quite a lot of bollards to mark out a whole parking space. And what about going over the lines (or, in your case flattening bollards) when parking, which I'm given to believe is quite common on a forward bay park and wouldn't fail a test. I would have thought a car park is the perfect place to practice parking (a free one !) just like letting them drive on normal roads where there are also expensive cars is the perfect place to learn to drive.
I thought that was how everyone learnt![]()
Terms and conditions do not need to be signed but they do need to be displayed where they can be seen.
I would just worry about the learner reversing into parked cars..
I’m sure in this case the car was not dual controlled by the licenced driving school teacher if it was a pukka driving school I am guessing it would not be happening in a paid and camera controlled car park.
I get mega stressed if someone dinks my door with their car door let alone a learner reversing into my car when I’m not there..
As you said everyone has to learn somewhere but some cars ( not mine) are very very expensive and put in car parks for safe secure parking.
Car parks are notorious for the very aggressive way they adhere to the rules.
I would just worry about the learner reversing into parked cars..
I’m sure in this case the car was not dual controlled by the licenced driving school teacher if it was a pukka driving school I am guessing it would not be happening in a paid and camera controlled car park.
I get mega stressed if someone dinks my door with their car door let alone a learner reversing into my car when I’m not there..
As you said everyone has to learn somewhere but some cars ( not mine) are very very expensive and put in car parks for safe secure parking.
Nope. Car park operators are notorious for making up fake charges and trying to bully people into paying them. It would help us all immensely if more people would fight their practices rather than saying “I can’t be arsed. It’s only £60”.