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Parking at the Amex........ or close by?!!


Apr 2, 2010
For those who will be driving to the Amex, where are you planning on parking?

Must admit personally i hate park and rides waiting for the bus to load before it takes you to your car. Used it at withdean and hated it with a passion. I personally would rather walk a long distance to my car parked outside of the zones and go from there. I used to park at withdean at either the long man of wilmington in carden ave or the top of valley drive at withdean.

So at the Amex, im thinking either Stanmer Park, Coldean Lane, or somewhere in Moulscoombe close to Falmer school may be possibility's at the Amex.


The Avenue at Bevendean, safe to park and a good stretch to give yourself a little exercise !


Apr 2, 2010
should imagine Moulscoombe around falmer school then cut though the university

Could this be an opportunity to help the local school if something could be set up at Falmer School, it happens at Blackburn. I think you'll find nearer the time most local businesses's have prepared for this.....

Could this be an opportunity to help the local school if something could be set up at Falmer School, it happens at Blackburn. I think you'll find nearer the time most local businesses's have prepared for this.....
Throughout the Public Inquiry, the Club clearly said that Falmer High School (now the Brighton Aldridge Community Academy) would be the site of a stadium car park. It now transpires that the site won't be available for three years. The current planning application to use Bennetts Field is for temporary permission (for three years), because the school site isn't available. We can only conclude that the Brighton Aldridge Community Academy won't be in a position to do anything for next season.

All building work on the Academy site was originally programmed to be completed by December 2011.

On the subject of the planning application for the proposed Bennetts Field car park ... The comments of East Sussex County Council (the Highway Authority for the Woodingdean - Falmer road at Village Way) have now been published on the LDC website. They are suggesting a planning condition that will require some construction work:-

Comment Date: Fri 03 Jun 2011

Comment that there is peak hour congestion at the signalised junction onto the B2123 and A27 interchange, which results in queueing of vehicles onto the A27 slip roads. However, this peak hour situation is unlikely to be worsened by the application, due to event arrival and departure times being primarily outside peak hours. In addition, arrival and departure times are expected to be spread over a number of hours before and after each event. Notwithstanding the above, concern is raised that the proposal would lead to extended periods of congestion at the signalised junction onto the B2123 and at the A27 interchange. These concerns, however, would be mitigated by certain highway improvements, which could be required by planning condition. In summary, the improvements are: 1. Alteration of the Village Way signalised junction to provide separate phases for the Village Way and Park Street arms, to include a controlled pedestrian phase across the B2123, working at the same time as the Village Way 'green' phases. 2. Remove the pedestrian refuge within the B2123 right turn lane to achieve the required right turn queue capacity into Village Way. 3. Revise the B2123 northbound approach to the mini-roundabout at the A27 junction by providing a dedicated 'ahead' and 'right-turn' lanes.

And the Highways Agency (the Highway Authority for the A27 trunk road) have also commented:-

Comment Date: Thu 26 May 2011

The Highways Agency directs that conditions are attached to any planning permission, requiring that the temporary car park be only used for the lifetime of the temporary permission set out on the stadium permission.

This direction seems to have the effect of definitely limiting the life of the Bennetts Field car park to three years. This could make any stadium expansion plans much more difficult to achieve.

And the Highways Agency (the Highway Authority for the A27 trunk road) have also commented:-

Comment Date: Thu 26 May 2011

The Highways Agency directs that conditions are attached to any planning permission, requiring that the temporary car park be only used for the lifetime of the temporary permission set out on the stadium permission.

This direction seems to have the effect of definitely limiting the life of the Bennetts Field car park to three years. This could make any stadium expansion plans much more difficult to achieve.

That's a good spot LB.


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2011
Two points with my 'fight unfair parking tickets' MSE/pepipoo forum poster hat on, having read the whole thread:

1. I think there are private clampers at Mithras House, Cockroft & Watts building. Never trust them even if there's a park & ride arrangement there - I would not park anywhere with clampers around, ever. IMHO your car would be safer parked in Moulsecoomb than anywhere infested by such knuckle-draggers as private clampers...mark my words!

2. Presumably the Albion car parks are private land, rather than a Council car park? In which case, regardless of what they may have you believe, the Blue Badge scheme does not apply. They have a legal obligation to make reasonable adjustments for ANY 'disabled' visitors have a long term condition that meets the definition of disability. And that includes disabled bays for those who qualify for them, not just people with Blue Badges. It's a common misconception that a Blue Badge is needed in a Supermarket car park, for instance, probably due to the misleading signs they bung up.

Not that I am encouraging anyone without a disability to try using disabled bays - FAR FROM IT - but had to put the record straight.

I think for once we might be persuaded to leave the car at home and get a train to the Amex from Hove, not sure yet.

Two points with my 'fight unfair parking tickets' MSE/pepipoo forum poster hat on, having read the whole thread:

1. I think there are private clampers at Mithras House, Cockroft & Watts building. Never trust them even if there's a park & ride arrangement there - I would not park anywhere with clampers around, ever. IMHO your car would be safer parked in Moulsecoomb than anywhere infested by such knuckle-draggers as private clampers...mark my words!

2. Presumably the Albion car parks are private land, rather than a Council car park? In which case, regardless of what they may have you believe, the Blue Badge scheme does not apply. They have a legal obligation to make reasonable adjustments for ANY 'disabled' visitors have a long term condition that meets the definition of disability. And that includes disabled bays for those who qualify for them, not just people with Blue Badges. It's a common misconception that a Blue Badge is needed in a Supermarket car park, for instance, probably due to the misleading signs they bung up.

Not that I am encouraging anyone without a disability to try using disabled bays - FAR FROM IT - but had to put the record straight.

I think for once we might be persuaded to leave the car at home and get a train to the Amex from Hove, not sure yet.
1. Twelve years of using Mithras House football park & ride tells me that there is no problem with clampers there. As does three years of managing a shoppers' park and ride scheme from the same site.

2. My wish to see adequate (and convenient) parking for disabled supporters isn't based on any enforcement issues (although the Club need to provide stewards who will protect access to disabled parking facilities for those who need them). The need is there for the simple reason that something like 2,000 spectators with some form of mobility related disability will be attending games at the Amex (including around 500 with a serious mobility related disability, most of whom will have difficulty walking more than 200 metres). Of those 500, most will probably be travelling with friends and family - so this is an issue which will affect well over 1,000 supporters.

durrington gull

Well-known member
Aug 29, 2004
From todays Argus - 10th June

The cabinet also rubber-stamped the city’s involvement in the Olympic torch relay and agreed to sell a patch of its land next to the Amex Stadium, formerly known as Park Wall farm, to make way for a car park.

From todays Argus - 10th June

The cabinet also rubber-stamped the city’s involvement in the Olympic torch relay and agreed to sell a patch of its land next to the Amex Stadium, formerly known as Park Wall farm, to make way for a car park.
This is the patch of land between the A27 and the railway, right next to the stadium. It will be used for matchday parking for Club Directors, senior staff, players, and people with disabilities. At other times, it will be a general staff and visitors' car park.

Subject: Community Stadium – Park Wall Farm
Date of Meeting: 9 June 2011
Report of: Strategic Director, Resources
Contact Officer: Name: Angela Dymott
Jessica Hamilton

Key Decision: No
Wards Affected: Moulsecoomb & Bevendean


1.1 This report makes recommendations for the disposal of land that was previously
part of Park Wall Farm, for a car park adjacent to the stadium site. See Appendix
1 for site plan. This report is complemented by a report on part 2 of the Agenda.


2.1 That Cabinet agrees in principle the disposal to The Community Stadium Ltd of
land that previously formed part of Park Wall Farm (shown on plan attached at
Appendix 1) on long leasehold for 125 years and that agreement to the terms of
the disposal be delegated to the Strategic Director Resources in consultation with
the Cabinet Member for Finance and Central Services.


3.1 The existing planning consent for the stadium includes consent for the provision
of a car park on land which was previously let as part of a farm tenancy known as
Park Wall Farm. The car park is for 119 spaces and would provide parking on
match days for Club Directors, senior staff, players and people with disabilities.
On the other days the stadium can use the land as negotiated and set out in the
lease terms, for staff and visitors. There is no intention for there to be a charge
for the use of the car parking spaces.

3.2 In January 2009 a report was presented to Cabinet setting out a recommendation
to negotiate with The Community Stadium Ltd (“the club”) terms for a disposal of
this site by way of a long leasehold interest. It was recognised that the site had a
value and Cabinet agreed in principle to the disposal and that the terms of the
disposal be delegated to the Director of Environment (advised by the Director of
Finance and Resources and the Assistant Director Property and Design) in
consultation with the Cabinet Member for Enterprise, Employment and Major
Projects. Given the effluxion of time since that Cabinet decision and the change
in Leadership it is considered pertinent to revisit the decision now that terms of
the transaction have been agreed with the club.

3.3 In October 2009 the council took a surrender of this land from the farmer’s

3.4 Following completion of the surrender of the land the club were granted a licence
to complete the majority of the construction works of the car park. In addition,
during this time, the council also granted a temporary licence to Network Rail for
their use of the land whilst they were completing repair works to the adjacent
railway embankment. The licence to the club will come to an end when the lease
is entered into.

3.5 Terms have now been agreed for the transfer of a long leasehold interest in the
site to the club, to be co-terminus with their lease of the Amex Community
Stadium site. The council’s agents, Cluttons, have advised that the proposed
premium equates to the open market value of the Park Wall Farm land, thus
ensuring that the requirements of the s123 Local Government Act 1972 regarding
best consideration are satisfied in respect of this transaction based on 119 car
parking spaces.


4.1 The terms of the transaction have been agreed in consultation with colleagues in
legal and finance. The council’s managing agents have advised on the terms of
the deal and have provided valuation advice. The previous Leader of the Council
was advised of progress made periodically as part of the community stadium


Financial Implications:

5.1 The negotiated fee for the disposal plus any reimbursement of costs will be used
to support the corporate Strategic Investment Fund.

Finance Officer consulted: Rob Allen Date: 13/05/11

Legal Implications:

5.2 The legal implications are addressed in the main body of the report, including

Lawyer Consulted: Bob Bruce Date: 10/05/11

Equalities Implications:

5.3 In accordance with the planning permission granted the site will in part provide
parking facilities for disabled visitors to the stadium.

Sustainability Implications:

5.4 When considering the sustainability implications, the recommendation of this
report can not be considered in isolation as the site forms part of the Amex
Community Stadium development and provides the only match day on site car
park. The Travel Management Plan for the community stadium is currently being
considered and it is understood that the stadium is promoting sustainable
transport methods with a high proportion of visitors to the site choosing to travel
by sustainable transport methods. Air quality implications will be taken into
account in the Travel Management Plan.

Crime & Disorder Implications:

5.5 There are no direct crime and disorder implications arising from this report.

Risk & Opportunity Management Implications:

5.6 There is minimal risk to the council. Should the long leasehold interest on the car
park land fail to be granted the club will be requested to reinstate the car park
land as required under the licence granted.

Corporate / Citywide Implications:

5.7 The sale of this long leasehold interest of this site is in accordance with the
council’s priorities to identify and dispose of underused sites and is in the spirit of
the council’s supportive role for the development of a community Stadium by the


6.1 Given the previous Cabinet decision (15 January 2009), the planning permission
granted, the construction works completed by the club and the limited access to
the land by any other party it would be impractical to consider alternative options
at this stage.


7.1 The existing planning consent for the stadium includes consent for the provision
of a car park on the subject land to provide spaces (119no) on match days for
Club Directors, senior staff, players and people with disabilities.

7.2 In January 2009 Cabinet agreed to a disposal of this site by way of a long
leasehold interest to support the club’s endeavours whilst achieving a capital
receipt for the council reflective of the land’s value. Those terms have now been

This is the patch of land between the A27 and the railway, right next to the stadium. It will be used for matchday parking for Club Directors, senior staff, players, and people with disabilities. At other times, it will be a general staff and visitors' car park.

So as I read it LB there's nothing significant (apart from further confirmation of disabled parking space location), just a change in arrangements for the land, much as there will be for the main stadium site when the safety certificate is granted?

Barrel of Fun

Abort, retry, fail
Council sells land for players Brighton and Hove News

The council is to lease land for a car park to Brighton and Hove Albion for players, staff and disabled fans to use on match days.

Brighton and Hove City Council earmarked the 1.4 acre piece of farmland in Falmer for disposal two years ago.

The council said that it would let the land on a 125-year lease to the club and that on non-match days it would be used for staff and visitor parking.

It will enable 119 cars to be parked next to the Amex Community Stadium.

Councillor Jason Kitcat, the cabinet member for finance and central services, said: “Letting the land to Brighton and Hove Albion will support the football club in its new home at the community stadium and provide the council with income to help us offset government cuts to our budget.

“We support the club in encouraging stadium visitors to use a variety of sustainable transport options.

“This small car park will contribute to that by providing space for disabled fans and disabled visitors on non-match days.”

The council said that it had secured best value for council tax payers by ensuring that the proposed premium for the land equated to the open market value of Park Wall Farm.

It said that use of the land was in line with the existing planning consent for the stadium. This included consent to provide car parking on land that was previously let as part of the Park Wall farm tenancy.

It added that the club was working on a travel management plan to ensure good transport links to the stadium.

This involved encouraging fans to use of public transport and providing parking for disabled visitors.

I think anyone doing this will only try it once, given that the likelihood of being able to board a Falmer bound train at either London Road (or Moulscoomb) on matchday is likely to be about zero.
Or there are the direct buses at 1.01pm and 1.21pm from Fiveways to the Stadium (via Hollingdean) ... unless, of course, they too have filled up with passengers boarding in Portslade and Hove (which seems to me to be quite likely).

Or there are the direct buses at 1.01pm and 1.21pm from Fiveways to the Stadium (via Hollingdean) ... unless, of course, they too have filled up with passengers boarding in Portslade and Hove (which seems to me to be quite likely).

Including those parking locally having driven in from West Sussex, Hampshire and erhhhhh.......... certain parts of Surrey perhaps? There's always the 49 from Portslade Station to Moulsecoomb though.

Seagull on the wing

New member
Sep 22, 2010
There are lots of misconceptions regarding Disabled Badges.First is that a lot of people think that they can park in any disabled marked bay.If a bay is marked by the wheelchair symbol inside the bay you can park there.If there is no symbol but the bay is marked with the word Disabled outside the bay you cannot park there as it is a designated bay for one owner.
Two.If going through Dartford tunnel you can go through free if your car is a mobility car,you can tell by looking at the tax disc which is marked "Disabled" and zero road fund fee,if you just have the badge then you have to pay.
Three. Supermarkets.You are not allowed to park in a disabled bay without a badge.The fine can be up to £70. But a lot of supermarkets do not police the bays and I'm afraid a lot of people do use them.
As regards Falmer the last I heard that there would be parking for players,officials,visiting directors and disabled,if Withdean was anything to go by it will be packed,but will have to wait and see on this one.

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