Another Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Almost a fan club out here!
In Geelong Australia, (near Melbourne)
I work in a school in a beachside town called Ocean Grove, our nickname is the seagulls. The Principal is talking about putting up a sign in the lobby that reads 'Proud to be a Seagull'.
Malta (possibly the only Seagull on the Island!)
Welcome to Denmark
You bring the total up to 33
Hanoi, Vietnam
Andy can we form a Seagulls Over Turkey? meet up soem Saturdays for drinks and listen tot he game
My mates rugby coach here in reading is a massive bha fan and lives in malta 6 months a yearThink there might be more than one of you, I was in Malta last month & saw a Daewoo Matiz covered in Albion window stickers