Goldstone Rapper
Rediffusion PlayerofYear
Lol. Are you serious with this?
It could make them a more rounded human being
It could make them fearful of going to school and anxious about interacting with adults. this could lead to behavior problems and a lack of interest in school which could then lead to self esteem problems all of which can lead to all sorts of problems in later life.
Maybe a little over dramatic but the evidence to suggest links between primary aged kids, experiences and what happens in later life is overwhelming.
Every kids has the right to feel safe at school and parents walking in to the classroom to yell at kids is not on in the slightest. I find it incredible that anyone can excuse this woman's behaviour.
The key isn't what actually happened (the incident), but what meaning macky's son draws from it (the interpretation). Macky is best using his energies to show his son that the incident doesn't necessarily mean adults are scary, school is dangerous, boys are naughty/bad, friends can't be trusted, and all the other negative conclusions it is possible to draw from the incident. If it is a half-decent school, there should be enough counter-examples.
And yes, good things can come from 'bad,' if you let them. Macky's son will never be able to master being powerful around the anger of adults / dealing with a set-back / facing the consequences of perceived 'misbehaviour' unless he has opportunities in his life to master it. The incident was an opportunity to practise all these. Education in a school? Who'd have thought it!