The nearest I got to an electronic toy when I was a child - was a torch.
Did anyone have one of these?
We used to have a couple of these bad boys
I think my Uncle brought them over when he flew back from Australia one Christmas (I was far too young to remember). I spent many hours playing this parachute game and it was bloody hard!
One of these babies. Cruising along changing up 'n down. Wind in my hair...sigh.
I had (and have still got in the loft) a Spectrum 128k with the built in tape drive. Also still got my old Amiga A600+ too.
I wanted a board game called Battle of Britain but no matter how many hints I dropped, Santa refused to bring it. Played Risk many a time and also had an old Totopoly game which was basically horse racing. Still have Risk and also still got Space Crusade and a Warcraft type similar board game, but I can't think what that ones called.
Ah CROSSFIRE. Played that plenty myself. You always found that one of the guns was more powerful than the other, or that the board was bent, making one side prefereable to the other.OMG - I'd completely forgotten about this - many hours of enjoyment.
I had one of these babies - could get quite violent !
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Risk is excellent - we used to play that loads with our mates! we'd have Risk evenings and conquer the world!!!
Simon the computer game - I have an app on the iPad of that game which is brill x