That sounds more like Rebound to meDoes anyone remember Switchback. ? It was like shove halfpenny but with ball bearings.
My brother just bought a copy of that on eBay. We used to play it in the late 60'sStill play "Wembley" with my grandsons 40 years after playing with my sons. Bit out of date with division 3 north and south and Hereford and Darlington included!
Like Totopoly, Scoop, Cludo and the original Monopoly.
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Yes, Railroaded was the one with the tracks.Y wonderful
? was this where you laid down the tracks ? If so I remember that
Y excl.
Y v Good
Y OK burst a blood vessel!
Yeah it's a brilliant gameEscalado - great horse racing game. Got it 2nd hand for about £20 - just need to buy a new table for around £400 to accommodate it.
Pit was a Christmas classic round ours back in the dayA couple of obscure ones we used to play:
No, it's just the same as shove halfpenny but on a plastic track. It was made by a firm called Raphael Lipkin. You can find it by searching "shove halfpenny ball bearing game".That sounds more like Rebound to me
Ideal REBOUND Skill Action Game Shuffleboard Vintage 1980 | eBay
Excellent except for the rubber bands need to replace due to the age of the toy, also rubber feet
or where she hid the candelstick!I want to know what Miss Scarlet was doing in the study with that bit of rope with the Reverend Green?![]()
Just got Escalado out of loft. Rubber bands have perished Hope I can replace and get going againEscalado gave me blisters the size of well blisters , brilliant game .
Board game called Wildlife was a favourite of mine as a kid.
Used to love this one - assuming its the one I'm thinking of. Doesn't seem very ethical now though, didn't you basically go around the world capturing animals for your private zoo?Approved by the World Wildlife Fund as it was then known. It had wonderful photo's which is why I could never get rid of it. It fitted well with my love of Gerald Durrell books, love of nature and ambitions to grow up and be a vet or a naturist. Both unfulfilled, even after telling my parents and they pointed out I meant naturalist!